Committed Final (Junhoe)

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/edited for good/

"Baby." Junhoe has his arms wide open, ready to hug you as soon as you arrived.

"Goo Junhoe." You pushed his chest away. "I'm not in the mood to play with you." You went straight to your seat.

Did he just get chills from your coldness?

"What's wrong with her?" Junhoe turned to Bobby, who saw all those.

"PMS." He answered. Being friends with you for a long time gave him knowledge he's supposed to be ignorant about.

"What the hell is that?"

"Girl thing. Something related to monthly period or what." Chanwoo shrugged.

"And how did you know that?" Junhoe talked back in an interrogating manner.

"That girl has it every month and we adjust to her mood because of it. It's always the hardest. Goodluck, this is your first month."

You, on the other hand, is sitting quietly, listening to the noise that's starting to annoy you. It's not actually PMS, you're just sensitive today. Plus Junhoe fooling around while you are starting to distance yourself for his girlfriend. Everything feels so annoying right now and it's not so you.

You left the room and sat on the small bench right outside. Your homeroom teacher usually arrives late anyway, this is a better place to wait. There are few people walking along the corridor but it's still way more quiet than the classroom. You rested your head on the wall and closed your eyes.

Breathe. Let the bad energy flow out.

Inhale, exhale.

Inhale, exhale.

Inhale, ex-

"Dramatic." You're sure of that voice.

"I want silence, Junhoe." Your voice sounds weak.

"Yeah. Are you okay? Does that PMS hurt or,"

"PMS." You don't even have that now. What you have is more severe than PMS. "I'm just sensitive. Bear with me."

"That's it?"

"Yeah. So don't go around touching and clinging. I might just kick your ass."


"I'll punch you in the face if you insist. I'm serious."

"Look who's scaring who. Okay but just as long as you have that goddamn PMS." He whispered his next words. " Is that why Hanna..." You didn't get the next part but you definitely heard the name.


You stood up.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"Clinic. Tell them I won't attend morning classes. I have dysmenorrhea." He also stood up, confused.

"Dys- dysme- what??"


"That's not PMS anymore!" Hanbin shook your shoulders. "Should I give you a proper beating for you to tell us?" He raised a fist. You chuckled at him trying hard to look fierce.

It's your first time in weeks to come in the dance club's practice room, you just felt the need to be with your two main guys so you dragged them to the corner while the rest of the boys practice around.

"I told you I'm fine. I'm just burned out."

"You've told us all possible excuses you could. Don't you trust us enough?" Bobby suddenly looks pissed. What's wrong with this guy?

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