Classmates (Jinhwan)

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"At long last, here comes the royalties."

"Royalties?" You looked at the door, waiting for whoever Yeseul was talking about. But when the low whispers started to buzz around, filling the silence, you knew already who just arrived.

"The triple Kim-chis." Then there emerged Kim Jinhwan, Kim Hanbin and Kim Jiwon or so known as Jinhwan, B.I. and Bobby, to the whole country- world rather.

"You have too much to call them." You shook your head as you face front again, feeling Jinhwan's great presence as he sat on his place behind you.

It was just uncomfortable.

You're not a very avid fan of their group but you admit that you are a supporter. Of Jinhwan alone. It wasn't like that at the start of the semester but it so happened that when they performed on a school event two weeks ago, you became extremely hooked with his beautiful voice. And from then on, this very subject during Mondays and Wednesdays is the one you look forward to every week.

"I thought these Kims would drop this subject."

"Shhh." You tried to keep her voice down since one of who she's talking about is just right behind you.

"I mean they were gone for like, two weeks? I almost forgot we're in the same class."

"Are you a hater or what?"

"I just don't like the vibe they give off."

"Then that's your problem. Just let them be." Their extreme unsociability makes them look like they're so full of themselves but more to it, their looks alone are on a different level that they intimidate people by just looking at them.

People from different classes slowly accumulate outside your room but not in a messy manner, they were more like passing by in purpose to catch a glimpse of the idols inside. Some even had the courage to get in and introduce themselves before giving small presents to express their affections. At some point you wanted to have the same bravery too to be able to tell Jinhwan that you admire him so much as an artist.

It just literally became silent only when the professor arrived. The few students who class-hopped on yours went back to their respective rooms as well.

The class started and you couldn't stop praying to the heavens for an encounter with Jinhwan. You wanted to know him and be friends but he doesn't seem like the type to talk to ordinary people like you so the only way you could probably have an interaction is if your teacher asks you to.

Unfortunately, your professor doesn't match with you. He instead gave you an individual seatwork to finish for the rest of the period and the whole class was dead quiet and busy.

"A group work would have been a better plan." You whispered to yourself. Well at least, there could be a chance to be group mates with Jinhwan. This professor surely lacks some sense.

Seatwork it is but the difficulty reaches exam levels. Or maybe not for you. This was last week's topic and you really listened seriously since Jinhwan wasn't behind you to make you restless. His absence had its advantages too but his presence is much preferable.

"You're done??" Yeseul looked up at you with her hands stuck on her paper.

"Yeah." All she could respond to that was a glare.

You finished way ahead of time and now there was nothing else to do but stare at your hand phone. This subject was simply draining even if you don't do much. It would not be fun to attend to if not for the fact that idols are in that class as well and many girls are aspiring to be in there too.

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