Surprise (Hanbin)

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"Hanbin, are you still mad?" You held his hands, trying to transcend his mood with aegyo.

"Ani." But his words are contrary to how he acts. Hanbin is pissed. He's been cold since yesterday.

"Really?" You cupped his face and tilted it to your direction so he's looking at you.

"I said I'm okay!" He brushed your hands off him.

Wow, it's war.

"How many times do I have to explain myself? That I just got overwhelmed when you won the basketball game and that I didn't notice it was Donghyuk's cheek I kissed. I thought he was you."

"Enough. I'm sick of that same excuse."

"I don't have to excuse myself, Donghyuk and I are just friends. Why are you so affected by a meaningless kiss?" You're also sick of him acting this way. Like he doesn't trust your words at all.

"Yeah? Who am I to receive that meaningless kiss? I'm just the boyfriend. No big deal, I'm the asshole." He run his fingers on his hair, infuriated. "Kissing another guy's cheek when your man is there. How do you expect me to act? Supportive? Okay great, I hope you liked it. Want another one?"

"Why are you so mean? I don't like the way you talk." His sarcasm is getting through you. "You know, cut it. You are just like that because it's Donghyuk."

"Am I? Well miss, for your information, this is not the first time he attempted skinship with you in my presence and he finally succeeded, easily, with your help. If you haven't noticed, that Kim guy likes you and he's hitting on you even with your boyfriend around."

"What? Do you think you make sense? He's like my dongsaeng."

"It doesn't go that way for him." He stood up. "Let's not talk first until you're sensitive enough to notice that and until I learn how to control my temper." He walked away, leaving you. You tried to call his name but he didn't even turn back. What was that supposed to mean?

Are you really fighting over Donghyuk?

They say a little jealousy is healthy in a relationship but why is it that you're only hurt? You know Hanbin's more hurt and he's just expressing his frustration. You can't even blame him. It's entirely your fault for being so slow witted and insensitive.

You went to class after the argument, still feeling down. You walked past Hanbin to get to your seat and he didn't even notice you.

"Happy Birthday, girl!" Suhyun greeted, stretching her arms wide to congratulate you as you enter the class.

"Birthday?" You recalled the date because you really forgot. "It's my birthday."

"Huh?" Suhyun was weirded out.

It's your birthday and you fought with your boyfriend. That guy might have forgotten because he won't be that mean if he remembered. Unless he's not planning to greet you at the very least. He buried his head on the table and pretended to be asleep.

Suhyun followed your gaze and ended on Hanbin. "Oh, lovers' quarrel? No wonder your eyes are puffy."

"I'm fine, Suhyun. Don't mind me."

It's barely half of the day but your energy is already drained from the stress. Hanbin is still ignoring you and it's like he's doing his best to stretch the fight. You don't exactly know what he wants but you're just blaming yourself for ruining your own birthday. It's even your first birthday with Hanbin as your boyfriend and you didn't expect it to turn out like this. You messed up your hair, screaming and crying internally. Nothing can probably make up for this.

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