Perfect Man Final (Chanwoo)

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"Let me see." You scanned his attire and patted his shoulders. "You look fine."

"I'm... nervous." He played with his sweaty hands like a little boy.

"Come on! You're not even asking her for a date yet. You'll just say hi and introduce yourself. That's it!" Your hyena eyes started to search for Lalice on the hallway.

"But still..." He rubbed the back of his head as he rocked his foot.

"You already wasted so much of my time and effort. I will not forgive you if you waste this opportunity." You almost screamed out of frustration. You've done lots for him to put this aside.

"Can--" He didn't even finish his sentence when you butt in with the sight of the girl you were waiting for.

"Here she is. " Chanwoo followed the direction of your gaze and found Lalice approaching. "Just relax and don't act weird." You raised an eyebrow and pushed him to Lalice's direction when she went near.

"Hwaiting!" You nodded and gave him an encouraging smile before leaving.


"So how are things going between you and Lalice?" You asked as you sat on the same spot on this Naengmyun shop. Coming here is a part of your routine but since after you met Chanwoo, it became yours and his stable meeting place.

You weren't planning to go here today but since Chanwoo insisted to talk, knowing that he doesn't have a peer, you decided to grant his favor. Just a simple act of kindness from you won't hurt anyway.

"Uh, fine?"

The ahjumma who placed each plate carefully on your table, widened the smile on her face as she looked at Chanwoo broke a pair of wooden chopsticks for you (as he always does). At first you felt unfamiliar with his gentlemanliness but now you have somehow adjusted and you started taking everything naturally.

"Aigoo, what great manners. You really know how to treat a girl right." She patted his shoulder and the boy, being so bad at taking compliments, just gave her an awkward bow of gratitude. "Treat him well too, okay? You are really lucky to have a boyfriend like him." She looked at you with adoration before wishing you to enjoy your food.

Everytime the two of you went there, she always remind you to take care of Chanwoo thinking that the two of you are a loving couple. She believed that thought for a while now that correcting her might be offensive and uncomfortable so you just decided not to.

"Okay, back to where we were." You brought the topic up to where you left it as if nothing happened. "That's all? Just fine? Then when are you planning to ask her out for a date?" You sipped your drink afterwards.

"That is exactly why I wanted to talk to you. I want to ask you, when do you think is the perfect time to do so?"

"Heol!... You know what?" Narrowing your eyes at him. "You are so frustrating. You can't depend on me at all times."

"Why?" Even his simple naivety makes you lose your words. He's too innocent for someone who seeks romantic attachment. Commitment obviously doesn't fit him but since you are there to help him court Lalice and nothing else but that, you didn't talk about it.

"You can't always ask for my opinion. What if our plans succeed and Lalice becomes your girlfriend? Don't tell me you'll still come to me for advice?"

"Of course. You're all I've got." He looked up at you.

You are all he got.

The words and the way it escaped his mouth meant nothing special but somehow it hit you. It is the very first time someone told you he needs you and actually made you feel like he means it and though that someone is Chanwoo, the past weirdo, you still felt happy and satisfied deep inside.

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