Best Friend Confession (Junhoe)

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"What do you want?" The deep voice answered on the opposite line.

"It's that time of the month, Junhoe. It hurts like hell. Can you please?" You're like a kimbap, rolled in your sheets as you held your lower abdomen tight.

"Already? Fine, just wait there." You ended the call and patiently waited for him to arrive.

As expected.

He knows what to do even before you tell him. What are best friends for, right? These times are the very times he proves he knows you well.

But he's taking too long.

You punched the area repeatedly hoping for the pain to subside but it doesn't. This is why women hate being women — that time of the month. You know, when your mood goes all tangled up and pain shoots from that particular area and it feels so uncomfortable and..

"Here. Such a nuisance." Your door opened wide and he threw the plastic containing pain reliever, sanitary pads and most importantly, choco pie. It keeps you in your right state.

"You don't know how it feels. Wait here." You got up and took the plastic with you to the comfort room.

Having Junhoe as a best friend is quite useful. He runs anywhere just for you (unless he wants to get his bones all broken). But of course you are not after the benefit of having him around. With an unknown reason, you just want him there, always.

"Can you get a little bit faster? Its getting late. I need to go home." You chuckled at the remark. Feeling cleaner and refreshed after doing your ritual, you pulled the door open.

"Nice try, Junie. You live right across."

"I told you not to call me that!" The look on his face is precious whenever he's pissed. It never fails to make you laugh.

"This expression is exactly what I live for." You squeezed his face between your palms as he looked up at you, irritated. "Here." Handing him the payment and letting go of his poor face.

"6AM sharp tomorrow. Don't you dare make me wait like earlier." He's still upset because you overslept this morning. It was unintentional though.

"So noisy." You shove up a whole choco pie in his mouth to stop his nagging. "I got it. 6AM sharp." He stood up while trying to chew the whole choco pie. After swallowing everything, he turned to you.

"And you ruined your sheets again." He walked out of your room to go home as you stared at the blood stained sheets.

"Oh my god I'm dead."


You have to admit, your best friend is quite popular and it doesn't actually help in anything. In fact, it only makes your life terrible.

Opening your locker to find numerous hate messages is just a first to it all.

You picked the little evil notes and crumpled it in your hands before closing your lockers and noticing the presence before you who talked soon after.

"You got it again?"

"Don't worry, Junie. I'm fine." Crushing his face with your little hands. You get hated by merely standing before your best friend, of course nothing is fine but this is the least you could do for him not to worry.

"You sure?.. Then see you after school."


You parted ways and went to your own classrooms. A group of badass girls blocked your way. You do not know them so you tried to pass by them but they stopped you with their words.

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