Bobby/Jiwon (Romance) PART II

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This is a continuation of the first Bobby imagine I wrote, Bobby/Jiwon (Romance). You might want to read it first (if you haven't or reread if you have) before reading this.

- belle


"Jiwonie oppaaa." You sang again as you saw him go out of their door. You returned to your usual ways since he asked for it.

Stop making me worry! Don't leave my side ever again.—

Were the exact words he told you when you kinda drifted away from him. Of course you were thankful that he said it himself because either way, you can't think of an effective method of moving on if you went on with your first plan. It would have been a huge failure then but now that you think, somehow, Bobby has opened his heart for you. You might as well pursue him and widen that small opening he gave you.

"Back to your annoying ways, I guess." He didn't remove your hand when you clung onto his arm. He seemed used to it now.

"Well, you asked for it. You told me to stop making you-" You recalled his words to put it to his face but he stopped you before it gets any embarrassing for him.

"Fine, I know. I did dig my own grave."

"Yeah you did." You both chuckled as you catch for the bus.

He took out his wallet and scanned it for two, which is something that doesn't happen often and of course you didn't believe.

"No need." He stopped your hands from paying the bus fare. No way he really did. "I paid."

He did.

"Why did you?"

"Why can't I?" It is not even a big deal if it's not Bobby. There was dead air before you could put yourself together and answered.

"Thanks oppa." Usually, you would argue about petty things like this because he doesn't allow you to pay for his ride but now, things have changed completely. He pays for you now.

Mornings to school went a lot more peaceful since then. He never complained about going together, even eating together. Everything that he hated before went acceptable for him now which made things a lot more easier and fun for your part.

Like, hello?

He's Bobby. Your crush since as far as you remember. He is almost an obsession actually. Anything that has something to do with him is very much fine with you.


"So Bobby is not courting you?" She asked for the hundredth time and like a fool, you nodded for as much as she did. "And you are like, together all the time?"

"What's wrong? Being with him is more than enough, Yura."

"Yeah, you are so expressive with your feelings for him but does he feel the same way? Did he tell you he likes you?"

"No." Nothing like that happened. He just asked you to stay but he didn't say anything about liking you back.

Maybe almost everything changed except for the fact that Bobby still doesn't like you the way you do for him but at least, he likes you as a friend now.

"That will be a serious case of friend zone, *YN. You should clear things out with him before it gets any worse for you. After all, the rumors about the two of you are still circulating around the campus. It would be a big revelation if your love team crashes." People still gossip about you being Bobby's girlfriend or some saying you are not just friends but friends with benefits. Well of course, rumors are rumors because there is no basis to it but it is actually a little helpful. No one dared to get near Bobby again because they believe he is taken. Honestly, it makes you feel accomplished and proud that he is labeled as yours even without an official commitment, yet.

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