Alex - The Shy One

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Alex - The Shy One

Name: Alex Hogan

Hair: Brown curls

Eyes: Blue

Music: Skillet, Thousand Foot Krutch, Pierce The Veil

Story: Alex is the sweetest guy you could ever meet. You have always known him, but you were never really friends. Your friends were always trying to pair you up with him, but you never really saw it, until one fateful day. You looked into his sparkling blue eyes and immediately fell in love. He never really spoke in public, so you tried to hang out with him one on one. You looked forward to each moment you got to spend with him and noticed that he seemed to be taking interest in you too. Your friendship seemed to be going nowhere fast, but then you guys started to hang out more, and each time you were together, you managed to have a silly fight. First it was pillows, then it was with airsoft guns, and finally it was jelly beans.

First Kiss: This was the moment you had been waiting for your entire life. You were finally gonna perform at Warped Tour with your band. Your stomach churned at the thought of singing in front of all of those people. You were mustering up your courage when you felt a tap on the shoulder. You turned around to see Alex, who came with you to show you support, smiling shyly at you. He brought his lips to yours, sparks flying where his fingertips were resting. You tangles your fingers in his curls as you savored this sweet moment. His lips slowly parted from your own. He smiled at you then whispered in your ear. "Go knock 'em dead."

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