Brody - Preppy/Jock

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Brody - Preppy/Jock

Name: Brody

Sterotype: Preppy/Jock

How you meet:

You run and kick the ball, scoring a goal. Your coach then blows his whistle and says training is over. You jog over to your bag. While you're taking a swing from your water bottle a boy you know as Brody comes over. Brody is the school football captain and would fit the sterotype perfectly is he were rude to everyone. Which he wasn't, instead he was one of the nicest people you knew at school.

'Hey, nice playing out there {y/n}'

'Thanks Brody.' You reply and put your water bottle away.

'You walking today?' He asks.


'Can I walk with you?'

'Sure.' You smile at him and you walk off in the direction of your house.

As you walk you talk about everything. School, your family, your friends - some of which are mutual.

When you reach your house he hugs you and says you should hang out with him and his friends at school tomorrow. You say you will and say goodbye. As you're walking up your drive you turn and see him looking after you. You grin at him and he starts laughing then raises his hand in a farewell.

- You imagine the rest -

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