Liam O'Conner

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Liam O'Conner

Liam was the most popular guy in school

You've been to school with him since you can remember

He's two weeks exactly, older than you


Liam O'Conner

Who can resist him?

He was perfect

All the girls wanted him

But he was taken

By miss Wren Hudson

But you knew you'd never have a chance with him anyways.

He never even noticed you. 

You completely ignored him, and went along with your life

But in grade 10, he ended up being your lab partner

He greated you: hey ____.

You were shocked that he knew your name

You: hi

Chem wasn't your best subject. But apparently he had a 93% in it. 

You were surprised. He didn't seem like the "smart" type.

You guys got along pretty well. 

He helped you with what you needed and you both ended up getting great marks.

Over spring break, he asked you if you wanted to chill with him at the mall.

You accepted the invite.

You ended up hanging out and having a blast. Just the two of you.

You figured out that the guy you thought at first to be some stuck up jerk was actually really sweet.

He was an only child. And was raised by his mum and grandparents. 

Durring spring break you two hung out loads.

You figured out one day that he broke up with Wren.

You were a bit confused cause you thought he really liked her and they didn't seem to get in fights?

You shook it off.

By the summer, you two ended up great friends.

But rumors kept spreading around the school

"Ughh _____ is such a slut for hanging out with Liam"

"I hear ____ is the reason Liam and Wren broke up"

& the most rare

"I think they like eachother. I wouldn't be surprised if they started dating"

The last one really got to you. 

You had to admit, you did have feelings for Liam.

And turns out he liked you too.


Over the summer, he finally asked you out. 

You said yes of course :)

And you went through highschool ignoring rumours and haters.

You were happily in lovee

And you lived happily ever after...

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