Sam Pottorff

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Sam Pottorff!

You wore this when you first met each other:


Your friend Liana invites you to one of her school dances. You are wicked excited to go, because you just went through a rough breakup. You're also kind of nervous, because you only know a few people that go to her school. When you get to her house, she senses the nervousness on your face. "Don't worry, there are a lotta hotties, hun." You smile, growing more and more excited. When you get to the dance, Liana meets up with a group of friends, most of whom you already know. There are 3 boys in the group, and one of them is REALLY cute. His name is Sam, and he smiles warmly at you. His smile is contagious, and you can't help but grin back. He asks you to dance, and you two spend the night together. The final song playing is Enchanted by Taylor Swift. You slow dance, and when the song is over, he leans in and kisses you. You get his number, and the two of you start dating. You make the perfect couple.

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