Tristen Mayfield - (Jock who has a sweet and sensitive side)

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Tristen Mayfield

(jock who has a sweet and sensitive side)

Fav Color: Green

Interests: Football, stuffed animals, you

Dislikes: His friends, being nervous

Italics are your thoughts


You must be confused. Let's start from the beginning. And when I mean beginning, I mean beginning beginning.


"Awwwwww, daddy! I don't wanna go to a new school AGAIN." He rolled his eyes when I started to whine again. "Hun, you have to," he said beginning to kneel down to come face to face with me. "I'm sorry cupcake. But I got a great new job here at Reno, Nevada. I'm sorry for always moving from place to place. But ever since the accident hun...." "I know daddy. It's okay. But mommy's up in Heaven now, she's happy with grandma up there. Maybe they're making scarves!" I replied with a smile. Daddy smiled when he heard that. "Don't worry, mommy's watching out for you. She's right here. Okay?" he replied. I nodded. "Sorry cupcake, I have to go. Good luck at your first day of school, okay? Love you," he said then kissed my forehead. "Bye daddy! Good luck at your first day of school too!" "Haha, thanks hun. Bye." he said then left. I felt so lonely, ever since mommy went to Heaven, there's no one to play dress up with. Daddy said when she was coming back from a business trip, something happened to the plane she got on and mommy passed away. Even though all of us were sad and crying, we were just thinking of the fact that she's in Heaven now, and that's all that matters. And when I said to daddy good luck on his first day of school too, it's because he's going to school too! Like me! When I turned 4, mommy and daddy told me that they never went to college because they had me when they were young. They told me that they never regretted having me though. Before mommy died, daddy got accepted into a good doctor school! I was really happy for him. So today is both our first day of school! Yay! But what is cool too is that my friend Tristen is in my class too! He was always nice to me. Ever since mommy passed away, a lot of times we would play together in his playhouse! It's really cool and their family has a lot of money! He's my best friend, so it's great to have a friend in this new class. "Hi ______!" Tristen said. "Hi Tristen.." I looked down and blushed. You know that feeling when a boy comes up and talks to you and your starts heart beating really fast? That's my feeling right now.. "Wanna share my crayons? I have your favorite color, pink!" I looked up at him in excitement."REALLY? Let's color together!" I said. "Okay!" he replied. I wonder what this feeling is..

(7th Grade)

First day of school. Yippee. I just hope I don't see his stupid face again. And if you're wondering who I'm talking about, I'm talking about my ex-boyfriend, Caleb. I mean, come on! I treated him with all my love, and how he pays me back is making out with the stupid, blond, pretty girl of the school. Ughh, I'm getting a headache just thinking about them.

Anyways, first day of school. I'm glad my bud Tristen has been there with me during the break up. Well, actually, he's been there with me through everything. Through my mom's death, through all my crushes, all my stupid boyfriends, mostly everything. But he's been acting a little weird around me now.. I noticed that everytime I hug him, he looks down and it looks like he's blushing. I know right. Tristen Mayfield? Blushing? You think it would be ridiculous but I'm just telling you the truth. Anyways, back to school.

Lucky for me, in my first period guess who's there? "Hey, miss? I was wondering if you had an extra heart, mine seems to have been stolen." said a voice behind me. I turned around, and I saw Tristen with the cheesiest smile on his face. "Come here you lamoo," you said smiling, shaking your head. When you pulled in for a hug it felt like kindergarten all over again. He began to pick me up and spun me in circles. "HEY, PUT ME DOWN!" I yelled at him hitting his chest. "You know I don't like getting picked up!" I said laughing once he put me down. He had a smile on his face the whole time. "Sorry! It's just that, I missed you a lot.. I'm sorry I was out for summer camp the whole summer..." Tristen said frowning. "Hey, at least you're here now Tri-Tri." I replied lightly punching him on the shoulder to try and lighten the mood. "Come on, let's go see if we have the same classes!" he said. "Alrighty," I said with a smile back. I hope this feeling stops soon..

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