Chapter 36

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I have no idea what to do.

Never in my life have I felt this helpless.

I've been sitting on the couch for hours, staring at the picture of Bella and I in the corner, trying to figure out how to get her back, but I've come up with nothing. I have my phone in my hand. I'm waiting for Thomas to call me back because he's supposed to be looking for Smith, but I'm also secretly hoping that Bella will call me.

Thomas could've been wrong, right? Just because he heard Smith talking doesn't mean that they actually took her. Maybe she's just driving around, blowing off steam. Maybe she'll walk through that door any minute.

I glance over at the front door hopefully, but nothing happens. Of course nothing happens because I'm filling myself with false optimism.

Before I can dwell too much more, my phone vibrates in my hand.

"What?" I ask Thomas as soon as I answer.

"You said she drives a silver Elantra, right?" He asks, and I'm thankful for him getting straight to the point.

"Yes." I nod, standing to my feet as my heart begins pounding rapidly.

"It's parked at the club."

"What?" I frown.


"Take me with you."

"No way." I respond immediately, standing to my feet. "Not a chance in hell, Bella."

"Why not?" She fires back, sounding very passionate about this. "If you're not worried about doing it, why should I be worried about it?"

"Because I know what I'm doing, Bella." I raise my voice involuntarily, taking a step closer to her. "I've done this so many times. I know how to get in and get out without running into any issues. If I bring you with me, and something happens, then I have to worry about both of us. I don't know that I'll be able to protect you in there."

"You don't need to. I can protect myself."

"Bella." I sigh in frustration, rolling my head backwards. "I know that you are strong and independent, and I admire that so much about you. But you've had one lesson in hand-to-hand combat with me. I'm not willing to risk anything happening to you."

"And I'm just supposed to sit here and ignore the fact that something could be happening to you." It's her turn to raise her voice.

"Yes, you are." I answer matter-of-factly. "You're not coming with me. End of discussion."


I think back to how passionate and adamant Bella was about coming with me to the club earlier tonight. She honestly thought that I would say yes to her request, but I didn't. My mind flashes back to all of the times that I've told Bella to do something and she's done the opposite. She's stubborn like that.

Could this have been one of those times?

"She's at the club?" I ask in disbelief, rushing over to the door and grabbing my keys. "I'm on my way."

"Harry." Thomas' voice stops me from hanging up as I make my way out the front door and down to my car. "The club's been closed for two hours."

I glance at my watch, not even realizing how late it's gotten.

"Her car's the only one here."

My feet stop walking, and my chest begins rising and falling heavily with deep, labored breaths. Mindlessly, I bring the phone down from ear, ending the call and staring off into the darkness of the night.

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