Chapter 14

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I have absolutely no desire to be driving to my brother's house right now. I had no desire to come to this funeral either, but I did it anyway. I did it for her.

I glance over to the passenger seat to see her watching the world pass by out the window. She didn't force me to come, but I knew that it would make her happy. And that's all that I want to do. I just want to make her happy.

"There better be good food at this thing, or we're not saying." I tease to try to show her that I'm not mad at her.

I'm really not mad at her. I know that I stormed out of the funeral home and made somewhat of a scene over seeing my mother, but I'm not mad at Bella. I'm just trying to deal with the sudden invasion of my entire family back into my life.

Well...not my entire family. There was one person missing today that, I have to admit, I was worried about seeing. I think Will knew better than to invite me into the same room as my father. He would have gotten a lot more than me simply storming out in frustration.

"I'm sure whatever your mom is having, it'll be better than the hotel food...and a lot cheaper." Bella says back, and I laugh.

"I'm not staying in a hotel tonight for the food." I say with a smirk, looking over at her in enough time to catch her blush.

That's the only thing that's going to get me through this quality family time. A night in a hotel room with my Bella. I've been dying to get her out of that little black dress since she put it on this morning. It's all going to be worth it. I just have to be patient.

"Do your mom and Will live near each other?" She asks timidly. I can tell that she's walking on eggshells.

"Closer than I live to either one of them." I answer vaguely, but she accepts it. I'm hoping we're done with that conversation, but then she opens her mouth again.

"What about your father?"

"What about him?" I snap without meaning to.

"I, um...I mean, where does he live?"

God, she barely even falters at my mood swings. I guess that just shows that she's used to them by now. I take a deep breath to calm myself down so that I don't snap on her again.

"I'm not sure where he lives now." I mumble. "I haven't seen him since he left, and I didn't care to track him down."

Her response is a simple nod, and she ends the questioning game. I'm glad she did because it was getting to be too much for me. To make matters even worse, I'm currently pulling into Will's driveway.

I'd rather be anywhere in the world, doing anything else, than getting ready to have a family reunion in my estranged brother's home. Without a word, I shut the car off and move to get out.

"Hey." Her voice stops me, and I turn back to her. "I love you."

With those three simple words, she leans across the center console and kisses my cheek before turning and getting out of the car. It's not enough. I want so much more than that delicate little kiss that wasn't even placed on my mouth. I need so much more than that, but unfortunately, I'm going to have to settle.

As soon as I'm out of the car, I make my way to her and capture her hand in mine as I lead her to the front door. I debate knocking for a moment before deicing that I'm just going to walk inside. They shouldn't expect anything less.

I shove the door open for Bella, and I'm immediately hit with memories that I never wanted to relive.


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