Chapter 9

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I lean against the wall of the parking garage, watching Harry load my suitcase into the trunk of the car. He's made it very clear that he's not taking it back, so I see no point in trying to argue with him about it anymore.

The slamming of the trunk shutting causes me to jump, and Harry's eyes quickly land on me. He frowns and comes around the corner, standing in front of me and placing his hands on my shoulders.

"You sure that you're okay?" He asks, leaning his head down so that his eyes are level with mine.

I know that he's doing that on purpose. He's looking for any hint of doubt within me. For a split second, I'm worried that he'll find it, but I quickly straighten myself out. I push off the wall and bring my hands up to rest on top of his.

"I'm okay." I say with a convincingly firm nod. "I can do this."

"I know you can."

His words make me smile as he releases me and walks over to open the car door for me. I hesitantly walk around him and stop in front of him.

"Thank you." I say with a grin, leaning up and kissing his cheek.

"For what?" He frowns when I pull away.

"For the car." I smile mischievously and slip into the driver's seat.

He chuckles and squats down so that he's right next to me. "You're very welcome, sweet girl." My heart flutters at the nickname as he places his hand on my thigh. "I want you to call me if you need anything, okay?"


"And let me know when you get there."

"Okay, Harry."

"And if you decide that it's too much, and you need me to come get you—"

"Harry." I snap, keeping him from rambling any further.

He looks at me for a moment with his eyebrows furrowed together. When I smile, his frown softens, and he lets out a small sigh.

"I'll be okay." I tell him one last time. "I promise."

"Have fun." He finally seems to relax a little bit with that promise. "I love you."

Before I can say it back, he presses his lips against mine. I'm expecting it to be brief, but it's quite the opposite. His lips move roughly against mine, and one of his hands comes up to support the back of my head. I cup his face, giving his tongue access to my mouth.

Seconds later, my phone vibrates in my lap, and I pull away breathlessly. I hear Harry groan as I check my phone. It's Jessica. I was supposed to text her before I left, and I was also supposed to have left by now.

"I have to go." I whisper hoarsely to Harry.

He nods, pulling away from me with a smirk as he stands up straight outside of the car. I take the key and stick it into the ignition.


I start the car and sit there for a moment as it roars to life. What is my plan? Am I really going to see Harry right now? Am I really ready for this?

Something wet drips down onto my hands in my lap, and I realize that I'm crying...again. God, I'm so emotional today.

"What the hell am I doing?" I whisper to myself, leaning my head against the leather steering wheel as sobs begin to choke through my body.


I take a deep breath, ignoring the flashbacks. I can do this.

The door slams shut next to me, and I look over at Harry who is now leaning his head through the open window.

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