Chapter 30

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"Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time as a couple, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Franklin."

The large crowd erupts in a cheer as Scott and Rebecca stand at the altar with their intertwined hands raised above their heads. Thankfully, the weather cleared up, and the ceremony went off without a hitch. Scott and Rebecca are officially married, but my eyes aren't on them.

My eyes are locked on Harry who is standing off to the side, clapping and smiling a crooked smile as he chews on his gum. I told him to spit it out before, but he argued me. I could tell that he was nervous, so I just let it go.

He had no reason to be nervous though. He did a great job. Now all he has to do is nail the speech. I tried to get him to practice it in front of me, but he told me that I had to wait to hear it just like everyone else.

Music begins playing as Scott and Rebecca begin their procession back down the aisle. Harry stays in his position, waiting for them to fully exit just like he practiced, and I take a minute to look at him.

His suit fits him perfectly, and the longer strands of his hair blow slightly in the cool wind. The sun setting on the water behind him creates somewhat of a halo effect behind his head. Very fitting for him, even though he may not think so.

Once Scott and Rebecca have made it down the aisle, its Harry's turn to walk out with Rebecca's maid of honor. I met her at the dinner last night, and she was lovely. She went to school with Rebecca.

As he starts walking to meet her in the center of the stage, Harry's eyes catch me. Great. He caught me staring. He flashes me a quick wink before holding his arm out for the maid of honor and escorting her down the aisle.


Damn. Bella looks amazing in her little purple dress. I almost told her not to wear it because it's a tad showy, but then I realized that her dress might be the only thing that ends up getting me through this evening.

I made it through the ceremony, but that was the easy part.

I still have to give my best man toast at the reception. That's the part that I'm worried about. I cannot fuck that up. Scott deserves at least that.

"Could the best man please at least try to give me a smile?" I hear the photographer say, and I roll my eyes.

"Jesus, Harry. Come on. We need to get this done before the sun sets." Scott whines, so I take the opportunity to flick him in the back of the head with the hand that's currently resting on his shoulder.

I guess I need to hurry up and make it through these bridal party pictures so that I can get back to Bella. She's waiting for me at the reception with no one else to talk to. Who am I kidding? It's Bella. She's probably made like twenty friends by now. Even people that may not want a new friend.

Bella has a way of becoming a friend even when you don't think you need one.

I smile to myself, thinking back to the way she did that to me.

"That's better." The photographer exclaims in relief, and I hear the camera snap a few shots before he tells us that we're finally free to go.

I quickly make my way up the path from the beach to the country club. Much like the rehearsal dinner, the place is completely decked out in the wedding color scheme that Rebecca picked out. I will admit that it looks really nice.

As I admire the décor, my eyes scan the crowd looking for Bella. I easily spot her across the room, talking to Scott's mother. I was really hoping she would be talking to someone that I didn't know so that I could quickly steal her away, but there's no getting out easy with Cindy Franklin.

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