Chapter 19

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I stand motionlessly staring at the door that Harry just walked through. How in the world does he expect me to just go to sleep knowing what he's on his way to do? There's no possible way for me to not worry about him.

I'm not exactly sure what he's planning on doing, but I'd really rather not let my mind wander through all of the possibilities.

As much as I didn't want him to go, I knew that there was no stopping him. Not this time. The damage that had been done to me was too much for him. It was so much more than empty verbal threats, and I knew that from the beginning.

I knew that this was something that Harry would never have been able to just ignore.

That's why I didn't stop him. I told him that I didn't want him to go, and he understood that. But it didn't stop him and neither did I. He needs to do this, and deep down I think I might want him to do it.

Of course I don't want anything to happen to Harry, but I'm also fully aware that he's more than capable of handling himself physically. My biggest issue is that I know for a fact that Derek doesn't play fair. If tonight's events are any indication, Harry's going to have to stay on his toes because there's no way of knowing what's coming for him.

Either way, there's nothing I can do about this other than pray that Harry makes it out in one piece and be here for him when he gets back just like he wanted.

Moving for the first time since he left, I walk over to my bed and pull the covers back, carefully easing my way onto the cushioning mattress. My entire body aches as I lower myself down and pull the blankets up around myself. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, hoping to fall asleep with ease but knowing that I won't be able to.

Images of Harry float through my mind, and I want nothing more than for him to be lying next to me, holding me close. Sighing deeply, I nuzzle further into the pillow.

All I need to do is fall asleep. When I wake up, Harry will be back. Harry will be back, and we'll both be okay. Everything's going to be okay just like he promised.


Gravel crunches beneath my tires as I pull up in front of the warehouse. I took a cab back to my apartment so that I could get my car, and since then I've been looking everywhere for Derek. I checked all of the usual places, including his shithole of a house, and I couldn't find him.

The warehouse was the last place I could think of, and when I see his silver Audi parked out front I'm filled with relief that my search hasn't been for nothing.

In a matter of seconds, I'm making my way across the lot to the door. I don't know what Derek's doing here or who else is behind the door, but I don't care as I shove it open. I'm acting on pure anger and vengeance, nothing more and nothing less.

The multiple bodies in the room that had previously been engrossed in conversation about something else quickly whip their heads around to look at me. I immediately recognize many faces.

Thomas, Ace, Eric, and a bunch of other people that I know. Clearly I missed the meeting that seems to have been called by the guy standing in the middle.


They're all looking at me, but I don't care. I only paused for a moment to scan the crowd before storming towards them.

"Harry Styles." Derek smirks as I approach.

He's about to open his mouth to say something else, but I don't give him any chance at all. My fist collides forcibly with the side of his face, causing him to stagger backwards slightly as he brings his hand up to his cheek. That did exactly what I was hoping it would. It surprised him.

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