Chapter 28

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"I don't understand why you need to pack shampoo. They have it at the hotel."

"Those tiny bottles do not have nearly enough in them for both of us for two nights." I remind Harry as he watches me load up my toiletry bag.

We're getting ready to leave for Scott and Rebecca's wedding. It turns out that Rebecca grew up by the beach, so that's where they decided to have the wedding. The weather looks great for it. It's just starting to get warm, but its not too terribly hot.

The only downside is that it's a bit of a drive, so Harry and I did decide to book a hotel room in their reserved block. Tonight's the rehearsal dinner, and tomorrow is the wedding, so we'll be staying two nights.

I'm pretty excited to go spend the weekend at the beach, but Harry's still dragging his feet.

"What the hell am I even supposed to do at this rehearsal dinner?" He asks, zipping his suitcase.

"Well, it's a rehearsal you rehearse the wedding...and then you eat dinner." I explain with a hint of sarcasm, causing him to roll his eyes.

"Okay, but do I give a speech or some shit?"

"Not at the dinner, but you do give a toast at the reception." I say, slipping my toiletry bag into my suitcase and turning to face him. "Please tell me that you've already planned that."

"I did." He tells me like it's obvious. "I just wasn't sure if I had to say anything tonight, or not."

"No, you don't." I shake my head, trying to reassure him. I'm starting to realize that this might be the first wedding that he's ever been to. It's certainly the first one that he's ever been a part of. "Harry, is this your first time doing this?"

"Giving a toast?" He raises an eyebrow.

"No." I clarify. "Going to a wedding."

"Well...yeah." He answers with a shrug. "I don't really know anyone else that's gotten married. Why? Have you been to one?"

"I've been to a bunch. A few of my cousins. Right after I graduated from high school, one of my friends got pregnant and had a shotgun wedding, so that was fun." I smile, and he does too. "Weddings are fun."

"We'll see." He groans as the doorbell rings.

"That must be your mom." I say before taking a breath and walking out of the bedroom down the hallway to the front door.

When I open it, Harry's mother is standing on the other side, smiling widely at me. Before I can get a word out, Maverick comes barreling over, jumping up on Anne and licking her to death.

"Maverick, no." I scold, grabbing his collar and pulling him down.

We don't get many visitors, so he's still not very trained in greeting. He's completely harmless, but he gets a little excited. I hear the floor creak behind me, indicating that Harry has joined me.

"Hey, mom." He says lowly.

"How are you guys?" She asks happily, stepping forward and pulling us both into a bone crushing group hug. I giggle, hugging her back before she pulls away. "Are you all ready to go?"

"Just about." I answer as Harry opens the door wider so that she can step inside.

"Oh, that's so wonderful. It's great to see that Scott's getting married. And to see that you're going is even better." She teases Harry, elbowing him in the side.

"Mom, he told me to tell you that you are more than welcome to come. His mom's been dying to see you." Harry tells her, but she shakes her head.

"Oh, no. You two go have fun. I'll grab lunch with Cindy another time." She says with a wave of her hand. "Besides, if I went, who would keep an eye on this precious little guy?"

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