Chapter 32

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Harry hums softly along with the radio as we drive down the familiar street towards the apartment. Both of us have been pretty quiet the whole ride home simply because we're exhausted.

After we went back into the reception last night, we ended up having a great time. Harry and I pretty much spent the rest of the night on the dance floor with the entire bridal party, and by the time we got back to the hotel, we both passed out in our clothes.

This morning, we woke up, showered, and now we're pulling up in front of our apartment. As we climb out of the car, the front door opens and Anne pokes her head out, allowing Maverick to slip past her. He charges down the path towards us, and I bend down to greet him.

While he licks all over me, Harry walks around the back of the car to grab our bags.

"It looks like he missed you." Anne says from the doorway as I stand up straight.

"Come on, Maverick." I call him even though he's busy making his way over to say hello to Harry.

Harry gives him a pat on the head before picking up our suitcases and carrying them up to the front door.

"Hi." I smile at Harry's mother, hugging her quickly and then stepping into the house.

"So, how was it?" She asks us both as Harry walks in, setting the bags down by the door, and giving his mother a brief hug. Maverick has calmed down now as he makes his way over to his bed to lie down.

"It was great." I tell Anne with a nod.

"Yeah." Harry agrees. "Scott and Cindy both say hi."

"Oh, lovely. I'm so happy for them." She gushes.

"Any problems while we were gone?" Harry asks her, looking around the house.

"Not at all." She shakes her head.

"So he behaved himself?" Harry raises a skeptical eyebrow, and I laugh slightly.

"He was an angel."

"Good." I say with a sigh of relief. "Thanks again for keeping an eye on him."

One thing I failed to think about when I decided to adopt the dog for Harry. Having a dog is kind of like having a kid. You have to constantly take care of it, and if you ever want to go anywhere without it, you have to find someone to take care of it.

I'm really grateful that Harry and his mother are on good terms, because I don't know who else we would have asked. We might have had to take him with us.

"Well, it was wonderful to see you both, but I have to get going. I'm having lunch with friends, and I assume you two are probably exhausted from your weekend."

"I'm sure Harry is after all the dancing." I tease, and his mother raises an eyebrow.

"Really? Dancing?" She asks Harry who simply responds with a shrug. "I'd pay to see that." She says with a laugh, stepping forward and hugging me again.

After many repeated goodbyes, Anne left and Harry and I retreated to the bedroom where we both fell asleep for two hours. In all honesty, I could've slept longer if it weren't for Harry's alarm going off.

"Why did you set an alarm?" I groan groggily as I roll over onto my side to look at him.

He's propped up on his pillow, scrolling through his phone. "Because I need to go to the gym."

"You're leaving?"

"You're more than welcome to come with me." He says as he locks his phone and sets it down on the table next to him.

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