Chapter 2

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"We gave your friend all of the paperwork for physical therapy, but you won't officially be starting for another two weeks. He also has all of the prescriptions that you'll need to pick up at the pharmacy." The nurse explains to me as she helps me pull my shirt over my head.

This was the first morning that I was able to do my pants all by myself, but when I went to lift my arms, things took a turn for the worst. Normally, I would complain about her helping me, but Matt is waiting for me in the waiting area, and I'd like to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Just be careful and take care of yourself." The woman says with a motherly tone as I gather my other belongings into a bag. I have Jess to thank for all of these toiletries and changes of clothing.

"Thank you for everything." I give her a warm smile, which she returns.

She leads me out into the hallway, and I'm elated to see Matt at the receptionist desk, signing me out. He has a thick stack of papers in his hands, and I know that they're all for me.

I thank the nurse one last time before slowly making my way over to him. I can feel her watching behind me to make sure that I make it there without an incident.

"Matt." I call happily, and he lifts his head.

His eyes meet mine, and a smile breaks out across his lips. He takes a careful step towards me like he's waiting for permission.

"Just hug me, you big goof." I tease him, and he chuckles, leaning in and wrapping his arms around me gently.

I'm used to this by now. People keep treating me like I'm glass. Especially Harry.


I secretly wanted him to be the one picking me up today, and I'm kind of surprised to see that he wasn't. I know that he's hardly left my side since I've been here, so where is he now?

I don't remember much about the night of the accident. I remember being in the car, losing my grip on the wheel, and everything kind of blurring into darkness. I remember hearing voices and feeling intense amounts of pain, but not being able to do anything about it.

And then nothing.

It's like there's a huge chunk of the night missing. One minute, I was upside down in my new car, and the next, I was safe...with him.

***3 weeks ago***

A slow beeping drips into my ears as I struggle to lift my heavy eyelids. I feel a slight pressure jabbing into my forearm, but that's it. That's all I feel.

Where am I? What the hell is going on?

I begin to panic, not liking the fact that I can't see where I am. Just open your damn eyes.

Suddenly, light blinds me, and I take a deep breath. My eyes take a moment to adjust to the bright lights above me as I blink slowly. I still don't hear anything other than the steady beeping noise, but at least I can see now.

As I take in my surroundings, I tilt my head down slightly. I'm in a hospital bed.

I turn my head slowly to the right, and come face-to-face with him. Harry. He's here. How did he get here?

His mouth moves, but nothing comes out. Why can't I hear anything? I want to tell him that I can't hear him, but I'm unable to speak. My entire body feels like it's turned off.

All I can do is look at him and hope that he understands how happy I am to see him sitting next to me.


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