Chapter 4

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It's been two months since the accident, which means that it's only been a little over a month since Harry and I finally decided to move on from the pain and drama of the night that we fought. That night is now nothing but a stupid mistake and a distant memory.

Everything seems to be back to the way it's supposed to be...well, not everything.

Jessica left a couple weeks ago...for good. She wanted to stay longer to make sure that my recovery was going well, but I convinced her to go. I had already taken up so much of her time, and I felt bad that she kept pushing her work schedule back for me.

It's been hard, but I'm happy for her. And surprisingly, she didn't go alone. Ryan decided to go with her. He put his house up for sale and they both moved into a new apartment together. That was a huge deal for her, and she could not be happier about it.

She's called me a bunch of times and sent me tons of pictures of her new place. I promised her that as soon as I was up for it, Harry and I would come visit.

He practically lives at my apartment now, especially since Jessica's gone. It started with him just spending the night to make sure that I was okay, and turned into me wanting to fall asleep and wake up with him every day.

After a few days, he went to the gym to work out, and when he came back he had a whole bag of clothes packed. It's been pretty great.

I hear the bell on the door ring, and I lift my head from where I'm laying on the table to see Harry walking in.

"Early again." Todd whispers to me with a chuckle as he lifts my leg from the table and holds it up to stretch me out. I laugh slightly, knowing exactly why he's here early. He's here to keep an eye on Mr. Touchy-Feely.

Mr. Touchy-Feely is better known as Todd, my physical therapist. Harry isn't a huge fan of the massage portion at the end of my workout, which is why he always shows up fifteen minutes early.

I've explained to him many times that the only reason that Todd is "touchy feely" is because it's his job, but this is Harry we're talking about. I'm not at all surprised that he continues to come in early.

"Hey, babe." He smiles at me, walking over and giving me a quick kiss before taking a seat in the chair next to me.

"How are you doing, Harry?" Todd asks, lowering my leg.

"I'm doing just fine." Harry says with a sigh as he leans back in the chair. I turn my head to him, seeing that his eyes are locked on Todd's hands, which are currently massaging the areas above my knees.

"Let me know if you feel any pain, Bella." Todd instructs, and I nod. I'm almost certain that I hear Harry scoff next to me, but I choose to ignore it.

He continues to work his hands against my skin, applying pressure but thankfully never to the point of pain. This is actually my favorite part of my hour in here because the physical activity part is exhausting. Not just because I hate physical activity but also because my body is still pretty weak.

"Alright, go ahead and roll over onto your stomach for me." I do as Todd says, laying on my stomach and turning my head so that I'm looking at Harry. He's frowning as he watches Todd's hands move across my lower back.

"Hey." I smile at him, and he reluctantly turns his attention to me.

"Hello." He smiles back.

"So, what do you wanna do after this?" I ask him. He hums, bringing his finger up and placing it beneath his chin as though he's thinking very hard about my question.

"Well, I was thinking, we could pick up some food and head back to your place." He suggests, and I nod.

"That sounds perfect. I'm starving."

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