Chapter 33

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I'm standing in front of the stove, sautéing some vegetables. The sizzling noise fills the kitchen, but does not completely cover up the noises coming from our bedroom. Harry has been in there rummaging around for a few minutes, and I'm not sure what he's doing.

My phone vibrates on the counter, disrupting my curiosity. Keeping one hand on the spoon that's mixing the vegetables, I reach over and grab my phone, seeing Jessica's name on the screen.

I eagerly slide my finger across it to answer her, hitting the speaker button.

"Hey, Jess." I say happily. I haven't talked to her in forever. We've exchanged a few texts over the past few months, but that's nothing compared to the fact that I used to see her every day.

"Oh my god, hi, how are you?" She squeals. "I was praying that you would pick up because I'm currently in the car on my way to meet Ryan and his parents for dinner, so I only have like a five minute window of time. So can you talk?"

"Yes, I can. I'm just making dinner."

"How domestic of you." She teases. "So I'm assuming that all is well for you and Harry and your game of house?"

"Shut up." Jessica laughs as I groan, rolling my eyes and hoping that Harry isn't listening in. The continued noises coming from down the hall lead me to believe that he's not. "We're doing really well."

"That's great, Bells. Are you missing the old apartment terribly?"

"Oh definitely." I say with a nod. "I'm not sure what I miss more. The leaky faucets or the constant smell of weed in the hallway."

We both laugh at that, reminiscing on our shared time in that apartment complex.

"So you're headed to dinner with Ryan and his parents. That must mean things are good, right?" I double check, making sure that my best friend is still just as happy as I am even though we've gone our separate ways.

"Oh, yes. Fantastic." She exclaims.

"Good, Jessica. And the job is good too?"

"Oh my god, no. How did I forget to start this conversation by asking you about your new fancy job? My job is same old same old, but you've moved on to bigger and better things. I mean, do you even have time to talk to me, Miss Hot Shot Columnist?"

I giggle at her excitement for me. Even miles away, she's still supporting me and everything that I do.

"It's insane." I answer honestly. "But I love it."

"Bella, I am so happy for you."

"Thanks, Jess. And I'm happy for you. It sounds like everything's working out for both of us."

"You mean it's possible for the two of us to succeed without each other?" She asks in fake shock, and I laugh, turning the stove off and reaching across the counter to scoop the vegetables into a bowl.

"I guess it is..." I trail off when I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to see Harry standing in the doorway with his duffle bag on his shoulder.

"Well, I miss you so much. So we need to make plans to see each other soon." Jessica's voice chimes from where my phone is still sitting on the counter.

"Of course." I respond, tearing my eyes away from Harry. "Have fun at dinner. And say hi to Ryan for me."

"Will do. Tell Harry I miss him." She teases before hanging up.

I'm expecting Harry to laugh or show some kind of emotion after that comment from Jessica, but instead he walks over the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water. I notice that he has put on shoes and a jacket.

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