Chapter 8

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I push the cart down the aisle as quickly as I can in the midst of all the other people that chose to get up late and grocery shop. My mom used to always go super early in the morning, and I never understood why. Now I understand. This place is a zoo.

It's not my fault that I woke up late. It's my hangover's fault. So...I guess it is my fault.

I can't believe I got drunk last night. All in an attempt to get answers from Harry. Answers that he never gave me. If he thinks I'm letting him off the hook, he's wrong.

He did kind of make up for it this morning by bringing me breakfast in bed, accompanied with some Advil for my throbbing headache. At which point he proceeded to let me know that we were out of Advil and out of pretty much all foods.

So, long-story short, that's why I'm at the grocery store right now. Harry dropped me off and went to work out at the gym, and I'm trying to get a lot of shopping done on a very low budget and in a very limited amount of time with a very limited amount of patience for anyone.

That's why when my phone starts ringing, I groan in annoyance.

"What?" I snap.

"'s so great to hear your voice." Jessica chimes on the other end. "And to think that I was actually sitting here missing my best friend."

"Jessica." I'm suddenly feeling much happier than I was moments ago. "Oh my god, what's up?"

"Well, my plans this weekend just miraculously freed up, and I know that you're still recovering but if you're up for it, Ryan and I are both free this weekend." She gets straight to the point.

She and I have been trying to plan a weekend where Harry and I could visit to see her new apartment and just hang out with them. The only problem is that she works weekends now too, so it's been hard to find a time when we're all free at the same time. Plus, I haven't exactly been up for traveling lately.

But the possibility of seeing my best friend this weekend suddenly has my usually aching body feeling much better.

"That would be great." I say excitedly, and Jessica laughs.

"Are you sure? How are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling okay. Not completely better, but definitely better." I answer honestly, knowing that there isn't even a point in trying to lie to her. "I could totally handle a road trip."

"Well, maybe you should talk to the other half of your caravan before making any solid plans. How is he by the way? He was a mess when I left." She says, referring to Harry.

"He's doing okay." I say with a sigh as I grab a loaf of bread and place it in the cart. "Sometimes I feel like the whole situation has been a lot harder for him than it has for me."

"He's just worrying about you, Bella." She assures me. "Trust me, he's much better than he was when you were in the hospital...he was terrified."

Terrified. That's not a word that I typically think of associating to Harry. He's typically so brave and strong, and the thought of being the cause of his fear hurts me.

"I know. And I love him for that." I lower my voice slightly, making my way towards the front of the store to checkout.

"And he loves you." She says back, and I can hear the smile in her voice.

"Jessica Charleston? Are you actually supporting my relationship with Harry?" I ask in fake shock.

"It's not that I didn't support your relationship." She argues, causing me to laugh. "I just wanted you to make sure you really wanted to be in it. And now that you have, I support it one hundred percent. I ship it."

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