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(Jhem Ariza)


I wake up bed. No one is there. I look at the time. I over sleep again. I lay down for a while. It's been one week and we are still here.

"Mommy? Are you awake?" Jane said. I look at her at the end of the bed. She gets up on the bed.

"Yes, baby. I am already awake. What's up?" I said.

"it's already Lunch time. the others want us to dine them." Jane said.

I want to hug my baby girl. She growing so fast. And also Jai.

"Can I hug my baby girl?" I said.

"You don't need to asked, mommy. You can always hug me." She said. and came near me to hug me. and I hug her back.

"How about me, mommy?" Someone said it from the door.

I look at it. It's my baby Boy. I love him so much. He's brave enough to find his happiness. This past few days he always talks to CJ. a small talk at least. I know Michael can sense it. And he told me about it. He's not against about it. But he's worried that CJ might know the truth about them. I told him that his happiness is more important to Jai. But this past few days, he's Pale. What happen to him? I hope it's nothing that serious.

"Are you ok baby? You look pale." I said.

"I'm fine, mommy. I just got a headache." Jai said.

"I have a medicine here." I said.

"I'll be fine, mommy." Jai said.

"Are you sure?" I said.

"Yes, mommy." Jai said.

"Come on. Hug mommy, my Jai." I said. he came near me. But when he steps his fifth. He stops and Fainted.

"Jai!" I shouted.

"Brother!" Jane also Shouted. She's crying also.

We get near at Jai. I think he's getting weaker any moment. I carried him and rush him to the nearest hospital. With Jane

A few hours later, we are waiting for the doctor to get out the emergency room.

"Mommy, will Jai be OK?" Jane said.

"Of course, baby. Jai is going to be fine. He strong like you." I said and I hug her.

I need to comfort her. that won't trigger her asthma.

"Jhem!" Someone shouted at back. I saw Michael and my friends.

When Jane saw his daddy Michael, she apart to me and run to him. Michael just carried and hug her. and she hug him tight. And start crying. They came near me. Michael hug me too. With his free arm.

"Jane Stop Crying, remember your asthma." I reminded her.

"it's ok, Jane. Daddy Here." Michael said. Calming Jane. I know he know how to calm her down. in the few minutes, her breathing even. When I look at her. she falls asleep. Mostly she like to sleep at Michael's arms. 

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