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(Jhem Ariza)

(MPC Campus)

I'm still amaze on our eyes locked up. A wonderful feeling building up on my heart. And I can't still get enough of him.

Its 1:00pm, sir. Georgie Clarkson's Class still going. That our class for a Industry Management Relations. And this will be our last class for today. Sir Clarkson's still discussing our Grading System, while I'm daydreaming.

"What's that?" Julie said. I ignore her.

I still have the dreamy looks. And still not attached in the reality. Me and CJ on my world. We are in the park, having a picnic. If others see this they will say, "What a lovely couple. So much in love with each other." Just thinking of this making me smile lovely.

"Hey, what's that." Julie Said. She poke my cheek. That's hits me into reality. I hate this feeling. Its will lose my focus.

"What is what?" I said. I tried to focus on our professor to catch up with the discussion. But I'm super late.

"You're daydreaming? And you have that smile like you fall for someone." Julie said. And I know she's right.

"What daydreaming and fall for someone? What are you talking about?" I said.

"Don't lie to me. I know you. You always daydreaming and smile when you're fall with someone." She really know me well.

"I'm not. You must seeing things." I said.

"No. You're in love. In love with CJ Bryant." Julie said.

I couldn't help it to smile, then I hear his name. It like music in my ears.

"I'm not in love with him." I said.

I must maintain my posture of not being caught. 

"Just admit it. You two have a world the only the both of you exist." Julie said.

"I don't know what are you talking about." I said. I'm really in the stage of denial Stage of Love.

"Everyone see it. Before this class,  we're eating at the food nook. The two of you have the same pack lunch. And when Lyne say "Ayyyyiiieeeee", both of two look at each other and lock in your world. We saw the spark between the both of you. It's like You two are meant to be." Julie said.

I just smile. When I recall what happen to me and CJ at the food nook. She still keep teasing me on CJ, while our professor still discussing our class format for the whole semester.

At the end of class of professor Clarkson, he get out to his next class. Three hours of lectures finally over.

Julie is texting to her boyfriend. Hay. And I'm fixing my self and things. Ready to go home. Tired of all of school work.

"Julie, I'm going home." I said. I don't want to be third wheel for this two. And i stand up.

"You're not going anywhere. You're staying here with me." Julie said. She link her arms into mine. I'm like a prisoner.

"What? What are you planning to do with me? I don't want to be a third wheel." I said.

"It's a secret. But I know you will love this punishment, very much." Julie said.

Our other Friends notice us.

"I have to go. Christian is waiting for me. Take care always. Bye." Lyne said.

"Sure, Lyne." Julie said. "Bye."

"Then I go with you. Bye." Shie said.

"Me too. Bye." JD said.

Mr. Right (First Series)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt