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(CJ Bryant)


I'm with JD, Shie, Wayne, Lyne, Christian, Chel, Zander, Julie and Jake. They are still together, Julie and Jake. And they are getting married for two months from now.

Christian and Lyne are already married. For 2 years now. And already have a baby boy, named Cross who is 5 years old. And now they are expecting a baby girl.

Chel and Zander already engaged and they are planning next year to get married after Julie's wedding.

Shie had already have a boyfriend. And its Wayne Santos.

And JD already had a Girlfriend, named Kath Bernardo.

Guess what? I'm still single all years long. But when I was with them I feel like I wasn't alone. The girl I love leave me for my stupid mistake. I know she wouldn't forgive me. And now she's nowhere to be found. The last. Time I saw her at the victory party.

"I miss Jhem. So much. She didn't let's us to say goodbye before she gone for good." Chel said.

"Yeah. We made each other to graduate together. But she's gone." Lyne said.

"Our group is not the same without her. Her Childish behavior always makes us laugh. And make us happy." Shie said.

"Where are she now? Maybe Far away from here. Even Auntie Eve. Didn't bother to talk to us. She hate us. And I don't know why." Zander said.

"I want her in my wedding. She's like a sister to me." Julie said.

"Sure" Jake said.

"Let find Jhem. Operation finding Jhem." Julie said.

"Yeah." Shie said.

They all bring out their gadgets. And finding the girl I still love. But I don't have a courage to find her. Because I did something to bad to her in the past. I wish the find her. And I want to make it up to her.

Julie told me the truth about Jhem condition. And I was shock. I know she can't be crying. Her heart condition is getting weak all day long from Julie. Later I tried to talk to her parents. But they didn't bother to talk to me. So I let two days to calm. When I get to there house, the house is empty. Julie told me where I could find her. She told me where her personal doctor could be found.

It broke my heart to see her like that. But I know I'm the one who caused of that.

"Can we talk?" Jake said.

I nodded. We stand up and move far away to them. They don't hear us.

"What will you do if they could find her?" Jake said.

"I really want to make it up on her." I said.

"Do you think she will let you?" Jake said.

"Maybe run away?" I said.

"You can't just run away. We both know what happen 7 Years ago. Only the two of us. The others don't know what happen. Especially Julie. The day of the victory party." Jake said.

"I know." I said.

"You still love her despite she hate you. And totally leave her." Jake said. "What will you do if she don't want you anymore?"

"Maybe go and accept the job in Athens, Greece. My Auntie from my mother side, called and she said, she have a job for me there. I still don't give them an answer about it." I said. Looking from a far.

"What?" Jake said.

"My family is against on it. But do i have a choice? She hate me. She hate to see me. I'm just doing her a favor." I said.

"Its never to late to say sorry to her." Jake said.

"I know." I said.

He pat my shoulder to support me all the way. He's always there to keep me in the right path. And I'm thankful that I meet this guy.

"Let's go back." He said. And I nodded. We started to head back.

I sat down and drink my coffee. Derico sat down beside Julie.

"I found Jhem!" Julie scream. I look at her. "Guys, search for Jai&Jane's Firm."

They search for the firm.

"She's at San Francisco, USA. Look at this. A professional Architect." Shie said.

"She owned the firm." Chel said. "She name it Jai&Jane's Firm"

"Who? Jai and Jane?" Shie said.

"Its doesn't matter who are they. The matter is we found Jhem." Zander said.

"That's why she didn't contact us this fast few years. She don't want any distraction." Lyne said.

"Your right." JD said.

"Let's do our best to bring her back to us." Julie said.

And they all agree on it. Then they started to calculate a plan. I look at it. The main question that's in my mind. If she owned the firm. Who's Jane and Jai in her life? Could it be?

(End of POV)

(To be Continued)


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