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(Shie Lee)

(San Francisco, USA)

For the first time, I got my POV. Thanks author. I thought I will never have one.

I'm currently Skype chatting to Julie, my friend, in the Philippines. I'm at hotel with Wayne. He's currently sleeping in our bedroom. He still have jetlag. We only have 5days vacation before we will go to our stressful jobs. Well that's life. But I didn't expect to see her soon. It's only day one of our vacation.

"Juls, I have news for you" Shie said.

"What is it?" Julie said.

"We found Jhem already. I didn't expect it to be so soon. Like I plan. She's going to you wedding. She's just fixing her schedule. And her heart operation is a success. But." I paused.  I don't know how will I tell her this. But I have too.

"But?" Julie said.

"She's already engaged." I said.

"That can't be. Her profile, said, she doesn't have a engage."Julie

"Michael just proposed to her. When they see your wedding invitation." I said

"Michael? As in Michael James? From Civil Tech.?" Julie said.

I nodded. I sigh. "That's not all. They got twins." I said.

I'm Shie Lee, Jhem's best friend and Girlfriend of Wayne Santos. We went here to find her. But it turns out that we accidentally meet her so soon. No need to find her the next day.

"Really?" Julie said.

"It's true. Just wait her at your wedding. She's gonna bring them. I'm sure of that." I said.

"This is unbelievable." Julie said.

"I am too. But when I see her happy with him. And their babies. I feel like she found her happily ever after. Like we all wanted for her." I said.

I know she want CJ to be with Jhem. CJ still miserable about what happen. And he's guilty of it. But he changed for the betterment of his future. Or I must for Jhem. But I know that will be never going to happen.

(End of POV)

(Jhem Ariza)

(San Francisco, USA)

I called my mom and dad using My brother account on Skype. They answered. My brother is now having his final exam  for 4th year college. Soon he'll graduated.

"Hi mom & dad." i said.

"hello, Lolo and Lola." Jai and Jane's said. They always like unison.

"Hello too babies." Mom said.

Mom and dad are in their bedroom. I didn't see Jeric? Maybe he's currently studying for his final exam. He said. He also wants to take the board exam, so that he can finally become a engineer. Its night time there in the Philippines. And its day time here.

The babies on the floor. I'm on the sofa with Michael.

"Hey!" Michael said.

"Hey Michael!" Dad said.

My dad accept Michael for me. But my mom don't. But Michael doesn't give up on pleasing my mom. He did everything for her to accept him as my boyfriend. My cousin also said, he's too perfect for me.

My dad and mom are in there room. It's, night time on Philippines. And San Francisco USA, day time.

"How are you, mom, dad?" I said.

"We're fine. We just miss Jai and Jane. It's like yesterday when we hold them in our bear hands. They are like diamonds. They are like fragile." Dad said.

"How about me, dad?" I said.

"Of course I miss you too, sweetie."

"Thank you dad."

"Grandpa, we are having a vacation there." Jane excitedly told my parents.

"Really hon?" Mom said. My mom adore Jane so much. Being brave at all the time.

"Is that true?" Dad said.

We all nodded. I know they are happy having a vacation time there.

"We are going to prepare your favorite foods for all of you." Mom goes out the screen.

"Where mom going?"

"Getting your brother. To do some shopping. That's her shopping buddy." Dad said.

"More like a carrier dad." I said.

We both laugh.

"But don't make him too tired." I said. "He will begin to over work himself again."

"I'll tell them that." Dad said.

"Hon, I'm just going to pack our things." Michael said. Kiss me on the cheek.

"I'm going too dad. Help us dad pack too." Jane said. Jane is independent. But when its comes to Michael, she's acting like a baby. I love her for that.

"Childish." Jai said. When Jane is like that acting. "I'm going to pack too mom." He also kiss me.

We are currently living with Michael on his Penthouse After I finish my college at Stanford University, we both decided to live together.

Then it's just the two of us. Dad and me.

"For how long?" Dad said.

"Maybe one month." I said.

"When you are gonna arrive?" Dad said.

"Within 2day sure. I'm gonna text to you our arrival date and time. Michael is just checking for earlier flights." I said.

"How about your work?" Dad said.

"I had it under control. Erin still accept clients for this one month. And I will do that projects. And all she have to do, is to present it on the clients. She's good at that. I can still Trust her. She's the best." I said.

"She's sure like working for you" Dad said

"Yes dad. As always." I said.

"What change your mind? Your cousin say two weeks ago, that you are having second thoughts about going home." Dad said.

"I saw my friends, Shie and Wayne. They having a vacation here. And they also give me an invitation card." I said.

"Don't you think it's a little bit odd that they saw you that day. But they have invitation card." Dad said.

"Are you saying? They came here in purpose to find me?" I said.

"Maybe." Dad said.

That the only answer I get from dad. Come to think of it. Maybe he's right. They came to find me here.

"What Invitation?" Dad said.

"Julie and Jake's wedding " I said.

"If I remember correctly, groom's bestfriend is the father of the twins? How will you face him after a long years?" Dad said.

"He is Jake's friend. So have to be civil to him. I am already move on. I already love Michael. And the twins love him." I said.

"Ok if you say so." Dad said. It's like he don't believe me. But I have to prove him wrong.

(End of POV)

(To be Continued)


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