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(Jhem Ariza)

(MPC Food Nook)

Its been a month, of the awkward moment, the six person date. Well, Nothing really happen, not nothing. Someone been given me tulips, Every day and Someone give me Roses. Well, I'm loving it already. But I hate it because I don't know who give the tulips and rose.

"Beach Vacation, guys?" Julie said.

We all look at her. We are now at the food nook. Me, Shie, JD, Lyne, Chel, Zander, Julie, Jake, and Cj.


"That would be impossible, we have lots of plans to do. We have this midterm exam this friday." I told them.

I just don't like getting a vacation while we have a lot to do.

"That would be fun, right?" CJ said.

Then look at him he's impossible. I roll my eyes. And shut up myself.

"Yeah. We have lots to do. But this beach vacation, will help us to be stress free." Shie said.

"Fine." I said. I don't want to be the kill joy on the group.

"I'm thinking, 2 days and 2 night. We will go Friday Afternoon then we will be back Sunday Night on our Beach House. Jake will borrow his Family van." Julie said.

"That would be a great idea." Shie said.

"Yeah." Lyne said.

"Who's in?" Julie

Chel raised her hand then said.

"Count us in. We'll bring Daiki and Melissa. The more the merrier." Chel said.

"Count me in too. With love, Christian Acosta." Lyne second the motion.

They are now 5 years from now. And still going strong. Maybe its true love. I know sooner or later they are going to get married.

"Count me too." JD said.

"I'm too" Shie said.

"We are in too. CJ and me." Jake said.

They all look at me. Even CJ look at me. I don't like that.

"Why are you all staring at me like that? Your creeping me out." I said.

"Please?" Julie said. She's using her pretty eyes. So that I can't say no.

"OK OK. I'm going too." I give up. I agree. I know she will use everything on me. "But you have to get my mother permission about that."

"Sure thing." Julie said.

She's so sure about getting my mother's permission. So? Its settled in. We all going to the beach.

"Can I Come with you?" Michael said.

We all look at the person behind me? I see Michael at CJ and I between. He's like popping every where I go.

"Sure, you can come" Shie said.

Then Shie put a chair on my right side. So that Michael can sit beside me. Are she's on Michael side?

Then they start planning. I just sit down and listen to them.

(End of POV)

(Shie Lee)

(MPC Food Nook)

After I said that. I wanted to know who will win Jhem's heart after that. I'm voting Michael on this one. I can see that he's so sincere on his love to Jhem. I just don't trust CJ intention on Jhem's. But I know Jhem, she love CJ. And I know she will choose CJ. Let just see.

(End of POV)

(Julie's POV)

(MPC Food Nook)

Is this really a good idea? That Michael and CJ on the same vacation? Yeah I think so. This will be an epic battle between the two gentlemen, to win Jhem. I know he just want to be With Jhem. So that not all the points will be on CJ Bryant. This is going to be fun.

(End of POV)

(To be Continued)


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