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(Jhem Ariza)

(My House)

I'm at my house. Just Chilling. It's been one month since the day I give myself to him. Nobody know that. And I been avoiding my two set of friends for more questioning stuff.

Riinnnggggg..... Riinnnggggg..... Who could that be? I answer the House phone. I pick it up.

"Good morning. This is the Ariza resident. This is Jhem speaking. Who is this?" I said.

"This is your doctor, Dr. Anna Miller, from Del Pierre General hospital." Doc Anna said. She's my personal doctor.

"Hello Doc Anna. What can I help you?" I said. Sitting at the couch.

"I have a good news to you. I found you a donor." Doc Anna said.

"Really doc?" I said. My happiness is to the highest level now. I can live my normal life again.

"Yes, my colleagues called me from San Francisco General hospital. Then I tell him about your case. And what a luck for you? He have a donor there." Doc Anna said.

"Wait? San Francisco California?" I said.

"Yup. That's where he live. So your surgery will held there. And I will accompany you there together with your family." Doc Anna said.

"That's will be a great news doc. Thank you so much." I said.

"All you need to do is arrange your papers you. Need to fly off to San Francisco California." Doc Anna said.

I'm so happy that I have a donor but it only means. Letting things go that I have here. It's gonna be a big adjustment for me. But I have to do this, to live longer.

After a month. I told my parent about it. They are thankful that Doc Anna found a donor for me. My dad and I take care of all the requirements for going outside the country.

Now, my passport and ticket is ready. Also my family also. They will accompany me there for the operation all the way.

My Cousin and Her husband let's us stay at their house for the rest of our stay here. For less expenses.

This is our final Exam. I already finished project and files to be submitted. My brother help me on that area. I didn't hang out with my friends. I barely see them. Because I'm always in rush.

I'm just here at my school. To finish my final exam. After answer all the question. Finish all that needed to finish. I passed my paper to the instructor. Then I get out immediately. I can feel all of their glances at me. But I didn't look back.

I don't like goodbyes. But I have to do this. So that I can live my life to the fullest.

Today is my flight to San Francisco, with my family and Doc Anna. Dad let my aunt from his side, take care of the family business.

When I about to get out the building. I bumped into someone. My luck is running out. Its Michael, I bumped into.

"Hey Why are you always in a hurry?" Michael said.

I know why he here. He came to me talk. And I been avoiding them too.

"I need to go somewhere." I said.

"Where?" he said.

I really don't want to tell him. But persistent to know.

"If I tell you promise me that you will not tell anyone about it." I said.

"I promise." He said.

"Can I tell you on the road? I really don't have much time." I said. We go to his car. Without knowing where. I tell him where we go.

"Why are we going to NAIA Airport?" He said.

"I'm leaving this country." I said. Without looking at him. I know if I look at him, its going to change my mind.

"What?" He said. He stopped the car.

"I needed too. I can't find here a donor and my personal doctor have a friend in California that have a donor. When I learn that. I'm happy. That I could live my life. The way I wanted to be." I said.

"That was so far away." He said. And hug me tight. Now we are a side of somewhere. He started crying.

"That's the only way to me live longer that ever. And that where the family of my donor. Then my personal doctor will turn me over to to her friend." I said.

He just cry and cry and cry. This is the first time I see him cry. Then I hug him too. I also cry too. I can't hold on my emotions. That why I hate saying goodbye.

At the NAIA Airport. We manage to made it in time.

My dad have my things I needed. And Doc Anna say beside my parents. Looking at us. We are just in front of each other. No one say a word.

"Please. Don't go." Michael said.

"I also don't want too. But I needed it. So that I can live again like a normal person who has no limitless." I said.

Then he hug me tight. I could feel my shirt started to wet. I know He's crying again. My Michael is such a cry baby.

"Don't let your studies goes down. And also always play volleyball. And promise me you won't tell anyone about this." I said.

"I promise but if you can't go home I will coming over you there. To find you. And to be there with you." Michael said.

Michael break out the hug. I just nodded. As a reward for bringing me here in no time, I kissed him on the cheek as a final gesture for me.

"See you again soon." I said.

Then we go inside. I know the moment I left them. My life going to be different.

(End of POV)

(Jeremy Ariza)

(NAIA airport)

I see Jhem and Michael. Talking to each other. I think Michael will be good for my daughter. But I can't forget the fact, that Michael love my daughter, but my daughter doesn't love Michael.

I really can see to Michael's eyes, he loves her. Not love, truly love her. When the hug is over between them I know both of them going to cried. But I know now my daughter, she's stronger than ever. I know this is will be new.

(End of POV)

(To be Continued)


Mr. Right (First Series)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin