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(Jhem Ariza)

(Julie's Beach House)

We have fun thru out the day. Especially Jai and Jane. I'm about to sleep when Julie Message me.

Jhem. Let's have a Night Drink at the Beach.

From: Julie

I look at Michael and the kids. I don't know what to do. Maybe I can ask Michael about it.

"Hon?" I said. I whispered.

He open his eyes. I show it to him. And saw it.

"You go have fun. I'm going to sleep with the kids for a while. I'm a little bit tired now." He said. He kissed my forehead.

"Ok" I said. And kiss him on the cheek.

I got out of the cabin. And I saw them by the camp fire.

This only day one of the vacation. What more they will have. I came near them.

"Hey!" Julie said.

"Hey." I also said.

"What do you drink?" Chel asked.

"Only light." I said.

"Here." Chel said and give me a light one beer.

They are all having fun. Then all of a sudden Julie sit down beside me.

"How are you?" Julie said.

"Me? I'm fine." I said.

"What happen 7 years ago?"

"After I saw Sasha kiss him. I run away. But Michael got me. He's always there for me. And I'm thankful of that. After that day, I going to drown myself with loneliness inside my bedroom. I'm thankful that my heart is fine. But my dad, let me go to volleyball victory party with Michael. Drunk and have Fun. Soon I got drank. Then Michael and I had sex. That's where Jane and Jai form. One month after that, I ignored all of you. Even Michael. I got a phone call from my doctor. And she said the good news. Me having a donor." I said.

I look at my friends and having fun. We just meter far away fro them. I miss this also having a secret talk with Julie.

"But the bad news. The operation will held at San Francisco, California. I have to leave all of you. But I don't want too. My dad was able to reason it out with me. I made up my mind. I want to live longer like a normal teenager or adult without worrying about the future. A month after, I flew. But before the operation, the doctor said a bad news, I'm having a baby with Michael. And it may cause one of our life."

"Life is sometimes unfair." Julie comment.

"Yeah. But they manage to save our life. And I'm thankful I been a coma in one month but machine keeps my babies live. My dad wasn't happy about me being pregnant. But he's ok with it. But my mom wasn't, she slap me really hard that I fall. And bleed. My dad and brother rush me again to the hospital. After that mom don't talk to again. I know she's disappointed but it. But having Jai and Jane was a blessing. My mom talk to me again. I meet Michael again. He's happy to be a father. And the kids accept him as their dad. They are my lucky charms. All I did, turn out great. I got scholarship grant from Stanford University. And I manage to build a company." I said. "I'm lucky to have them all the way. Without them my life wouldn't turn out like this."

"I'm happy for you. That you found your happiness." Julie said.

"Yeah. Thank you." I said. I hug her tight. I really miss her.

"Hey, you two. What are you two talking out?" Lyne said.

"Nothing." Julie and I said. In the same time. We look at each other and laugh. We came near them.

"Let's play a game." Kath said.

"What kind of game?" I said.

"Truth or Dare." Kath said. Again. I have no luck on this kind of game. But for the sake of their happiness. I agree. Then everyone agree on it. Let's start. JD spin the bottle.

"But there's a twist." Chel said. "The bottom of the bottle will give the question or the Dare."

First spin. The top is Chel and Bottom CJ.

"Dare!" Chel answer it immediately.

"Give Zander a Lap dance." CJ said.

Chel do it and it's getting hot in here. in a few minutes they are having fun and the bottle haven't go to me. They are all making fun of CJ. I just laugh. Then Julie turn to spin. And my luck is out on this round. And I look up. Kath is smiling at me. I don't like that smile.

"Truth or Dare?" Kath said.

"Dare." I bravely answer.

"Kiss CJ" Kath said.

"Kath!" JD shouted.

"What?" Kath said.

"Its Ok. It's just a game." I said and stand up. When I'm in front of him. I sit as level as him.

"Can I?" I said.

"You don't have to do this." CJ said.

I didn't reply on him.

I don't waste time. I cup his left Cheek with my right hand. I slowly closed my eye. I can tell he's nervous about it. I finally kissed him. He's shock about it.

We kissed like never before. I can tell he like it. He also cup my face. I can also say he still have a place in my heart. Just like before. I can feel there's a tear that fall down. And I know why.

(End of POV)

(To be Continued)


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