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(Jhem Ariza)

(MPC SSC House)

I'm in the SSC house. With Julie. Waiting for her to finishing up some paper works.

Our group decided to give the trophy to me. I am very much thankful for them. Now the trophy is in our house, in my room to be exact.

After the competition, mom and dad worried about me, being pale. So they rush me to the hospital. But the doctor said, a good news. My heart is fine. But then they say I need to stay for a 2days to monitor my heart. But all in all, it fine. My dad asked me, if I told CJ about my condition. I just shake my head.

CJ always asking me what happen. But I just always stay quiet or change the topic.

"Are you okey?" Julie said. She still working some of her paper works. She also asked me if CJ knows. I just shake my head as a no too. And told me to tell him sooner.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." I said.

"Ok if you say so." she said. I know sometimes she's not convince on it.

She just continue her doing. They are really busy. They will have an event. And I don't care. I really don't come to an event in the school. Sometime you can find me in the library. Hiding.

"Can I go to the campus ground? To get some fresh air. This place is so much stress. I can't take it." I said.

It's only 5:45pm some of the students are going home by this time. So that I can have a bench sitting.

"OK. But remember to get back here. We are gonna eat together. Double date. Jake said." she said.

I just nodded. And walk to the park. At the park, I sit at the bench and close my eyes, to feel the air and the sun. I miss this. I'm always at hospital this month. And I hate it. I don't really care

"Jhem?" Someone called me from behind. And I look at it. Its Michael.

"Hey" I said. And smile.

"May I sit beside you?" Michael said.

I just nodded. He sit beside me.

"Do you mind if I ask this question?" Michael said.

"I don't mind. What is it?" I said.

"Are you sick or something? I see you at the hospital yesterday. You were pale, and weak when you are exiting the hospital." Michael said.

I'm shock on what he say. He was there? That why I have a feeling that someone is looking at me. But I just ignore it. I sigh as a defeat.

"I have An atrial septal defect (ASD) is a hole in the wall between the two upper chambers of your heart (atria). The condition is present at birth (congenital). Small defects may never cause a problem and may be found incidentally. ASD is not easy to cure. But the possible solution for that is Heart transplant. That doesn't allow me to get stress and tired. And cried to much. Or I will suffered the consequence of this. Collapse or coma. My heart has a hole on it. And I need a brand new heart. To live longer. And my doctor said I need a donor, that aged as 10-25. Its hard to find that kind of heart but my dad and mom still looking. If I don't find a new heart, I will suffered the consequences." I said.

I just lean on him. And rest my head to his shoulder. I always feel weak.

"That's why you disappeared  after our dance when you push yourself to the limit. That doesn't supposed to be." Michael said.

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