Mr. Perverted Little Creeper Man

Começar do início

            “You are just filled with nasty remarks, aren’t you?” Zayn asked Elise.

            “Just a little bit.” She answered before Niall composed himself and wrapped an arm around her waist.

            “So what are you guys doing?” I asked.

            “Just looking for something to do. What about you girls?” Zayn replied.

            “Grabbing some dinner.” I responded. “Want to join us?” the boys nodded and soon we were in the elevator, on the way towards the lobby.

            “Did ya’ll hear the news?” I asked excitedly. They shook their heads and Elise groaned. “We are most likely going to be your opening act on Saturday!”

            “That’s awesome!” Zayn cheered. We spent the next thirty seconds in silence while the elevator bell dinged and we stepped into the lobby.

            “Where’s the nearest pizza place?” Elise asked.

            “There’s one just a couple of blocks away.” Zayn instructed. We all nodded in agreement and followed him out into the crisp night air.

Elise’s POV

            Never again will I wear a tank top and shorts at night. Wasn’t it supposed to be summer here? I mean, back home, I could wear this outfit in September and not get cold! And it's early July. ARG. We walked into the warm pizza house and waited in line for our orders.

            “Elise,” Lauren nudged my side. “look at the girl in the second booth over there.” I turned my head to look at her. She was pretty, with medium length, strawberry blonde hair and a nice face. But what killed me, was her outfit. Oh gosh, her outfit. Don’t be mad if I start to sound like a snob right now, but I really can't stand when any girl wears a cute top, nice jeans, and freaking running shoes. IT FREAKING KILLS THE ENTIRE OUTFIT! It’s like wearing Nike shoes with a prom dress. You just don’t do that!

            “Why did you have to point that out?!” I whisper/yelled at her.

            “Because I love to see your reactions.” She joked while winking at me.

            “Hi, what would you like this evening?” a very enthusiastic man, probably in his early twenties, greeted us at the counter. His eyes grazed over Lauren and I before probably realizing that he wasn’t being paid to have unthinkable thoughts about his customers.

            “Yes, we would like 6 large pizzas.” Niall said. His hold on my waist tightened and I could tell that he noticed the guy’s perviness. While he was writing it down, I glanced over to Lauren who wore a fake smile. She looked at Zayn and he nodded before grabbing her hand protectively.

            “What toppings would you like?” Jay- at least that’s what his name tag said- flashed me and Lauren both the identical smile, as if he wasn’t sure who he liked better.

            “Three pepperoni, two sausage, and one black olives please.” I ordered, trying to hide the disgust I was feeling. I mean, honestly, if he was paid to stare at women then he would work at Playboy. Not in a British pizza place.

“I’m guessing this is to go?” He asked. I nodded and wrote the orders down before handing us a number and walking back to the chef. We found a booth and waited for our pizza to be ready.

            “Have you found a song you want to sing for the concert?” Niall asked.

            “I think we should decide when we get Alexa’s opinion, don’t you think?” Lauren asked. The look in her eyes gave away how uncomfortable she felt.

For the BetterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora