Chapter 30

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**Jenna's POV**

A few years later

"Mom!!! Xavier is playing in my makeup.....again!" My eight year old yelled

"Xavier leave your sister's makeup alone! And hurry up we're gonna be late for your first day of kindergarten!"

"Ok, I finally got his Mohawk perfect!" Ryan said coming down the stair with the kids following close behind

"I can't believe my son has a mohawk" I said looking at my son's spiked hair

"But I love it mommy" Xavier said getting his backpack

I laughed "ok, let's go to school"

Ryan and I dropped Harley off first at her first day of third grade, then dropped Xavier off at his first day of kindergarten.

"Both of our kids are in school" Ryan said

"I know. They grow up so fast"

Ryan sighed "do you wanna go get some coffee?"

"Yeah, I could go for a cup or 2"

Ryan chucked and drove to the same diner we used to go to when we started dating.

"I remember we sat in this booth when I told you about our first tour."

"Yeah, the same tour you kissed me then left for and didn't speak to me for years"

"That was always my biggest regret. I should've dated you back then"

It's crazy to me that Ryan and I met right after I graduated high school and now we have an eight year old, a six year marriage, and a five year old. Ryan and I still work graveyard shifts together even after all these years. Even though now instead of making music and editing pictures. We're either taking care of sick kids, doing laundry, or cleaning the house since we didn't have time during the day.

Ryan is gearing up for yet another tour next month. Balz and Ryan Ashley got married and welcomes a new fur baby into their lives. Ricky finally proposed to Jamie. Chris and Gaia are still going strong and Vinny is still looking for his dream girl.

"You know if we would have dated back then. I wouldn't be the women you needed because I learned a lot in those four years" I told him

"That's true. I grew up a lot in those four years too"

I smiled at him "I love you"

"I love you too"

Later that day

"How was your first day, Xavier?" I asked

"It was so much fun!! I got to paint! Here mom!" Xavier said hanging me the painting

"That's awesome! Now let's go get your sister"

I put Xavier in the car then Ryan drove to Harley's school

"Mom! Dad! All my friends are in my class again this year!!!" Harley said as she climbed in the car

Harley and Xavier spend the rest of the day talking about school and how excited they are for the rest of the year.

"What are you going to do with yourself now that both kids are in school?" Ryan asked me

"I think I have something that'll keep me busy"

"Oh, yeah? What's that?"

I looked at Ryan and smiled "I'm pregnant"

That's a warp!!!!! My new book is called "different worlds, same interests" I already posted the first chapter so please go check it out!!! I'm really loving the way the new story is coming so hopefully you will enjoy it too!!!

The Graveyard Shift: part 2Where stories live. Discover now