Chapter 26

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**Ryan's POV**

Jenna left two days ago and I still haven't found my ring. We've looked all over the bus and even called the last few venues we played and they didn't have it.

"Jenna is gonna kill you, dude" Vinny said

"No? Really? I thought she'd be happy  I lost it" I said sarcastically

"You never take it off. I don't see how you lost it."

"I showered the first morning Jenna was here and that's when it went missing"

"Did you happen to drop it down the drain or something?"

"I don't think so"

"We have a meet and greet in like 20 mins" Chris said coming from the back

"I can't go to a meet and greet without my ring! All the fans will question me!"

"It'll be fine. Come on"

**Jenna's POV**

"Daddy will be home in 1 week! Are you excited?" I asked Harley


Harley, Xavier, and I came over to hang out with Balz for the day.

"How was Ryan when you went to go see him?" Balz asked

"He was fine. He lost his wedding ring"

"How mad are you about it?"

I shrugged "I mean I'm upset, but we don't need rings to prove that we're married"

"True. Speaking of marriage here" Balz handed me an envelope

I opened it to find a save the date card. "No way! You and Ryan set a date?! Y'all have only been engaged forever!"

"I know. Ryan Ashley wants you to go out to dinner with her. Just you and her, and maybe Harley"

I nodded "where is she?"

"She's tattooing at the shop today."

"Oh, ok. Well I'll get with her probably after Ryan comes home since I don't have anyone to watch Xavier"

"I'll watch both of the kids for you. I don't mind"

"Maybe I'll get with her sooner then"

"Honey! I'm home!" Ryan Ashley said walking in

"Hey babe! Jenna and the kids are here!" Balz said

"I know Harley and the dogs met me at the door" she said laughing

"Hey Jenna when can I steal you away from your husband and kids?" Ryan asked

"Whenever. Balz said he would watch the kids for me"

"Ok, awesome. We'll plan something soon. Where's Xavier? I wanna hold him"

"He's asleep in his carseat. I can get him out though. He'll  need to eat soon."

Ryan nodded and I got Xavier out and let her hold him.

Balz and Ryan had Harley and I stay for dinner. So we spent the most of our night with them. It was nice to get away from all the stress of life and just hang out with our friends. We ended up leaving about 9 and I went home and put the kids to bed. After the kids were asleep I called Ryan


"Hi babe. How was your show?"

"It was great. I'm just glad I'll be home with you in a week"

"Me too, Ry"

"Oh! Guess what? I found my wedding ring"

So, yay! Ryan found his ring and Balz and Ryan Ashley have a wedding date!!!!

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