Chapter 15

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**Jenna's POV**

Gaia didn't know what to say.

"Jenna, can we talk outside alone" Ryan asked

I nodded and followed him outside

"What's wrong, Jenna?" Ryan asked

"Gaia just keeps butting into our business. I know shes just trying to be a good friend, but I just"

"Don't trust her the way you trust Jamie. I get it"

"I'm sorry I keep pushing you away" I said looking up at him

"It's fine I get it. I just miss being with you"

"I know, and I want to its just Xavier was just born and-"

"I said it was fine. I'm the jerk here now let me say sorry" Ryan chuckled

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his cheek "I better get back in there"

Ryan and I walked back in the house with everyone's eyes watching us closely

"Let's eat already!!" I said as I finished up with food

Everyone made a plate and we sat down to eat

"At my school my teacher said we should say what we're thankful for" Harley said

"Well, why don't you start" Ryan suggested

"Hmm, I'm thankful for my brother, and my toys. Your turn daddy"

Ryan chuckled "I'm thankful for my wife"

I smiled "I'm thankful for my healthy kids and my husband."

"I'm thankful for all of you guys!" Jamie said

"I'm thankful for Jenna and Jamie since they cooked all this food" Vinny said

Everyone said what they were thankful for and we contiuned eating.

"Thanks for everything, Jenna but we have to go" Balz said hugging me

"Thanks for coming. Where's Ryan?"

"She's still holding Xavier."

"So, maybe you guys will have a little one soon..."

"No, Jenna. I don't think that's for us"

"Bye Jenna! Let us know if you need us to babysit!" Ryan Ashley said as they left

Eventually one by one everyone left.

"That was fun! I like it when my uncles come over!" Harley said

Ryan has Xavier on his chest asleep and Harley is laying on his shoulder on our bed

"We'll have them over again soon" Ryan said

"Pinky promise" Harley said holding up her pinky

"Pinky promise" Ryan said hooking their fingers together.

I smiled and laid down with them. Harley soon drifted off to sleep.

"We make some cute kids" Ryan said

"Yeah, they are pretty cute"

"We should have another one"

"Ryan! Xavier isn't even a month old!"

"I know, but in a few years"

"I don't know, Ry. I don't know if I could handle another pregnancy by myself"

"We always said three or four and you knew I wouldn't be here because I tour when we agreed to that."

"I know Ryan, but the pregnancy with Xavier and the labor was rough. I don't think I want to do that again"

"Well, if we just have these two I'll be happy because you three are pretty great"

I smiled and kissed him "I love you Ryan."

"I love you too, Jenna. More than anything"

The Graveyard Shift: part 2Where stories live. Discover now