Chapter 10

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**Jamie's POV**

"When can I see my mommy?" Harley asked

"As soon as your daddy tells us we can take you in there" I said

Harley is currently cuddled up against Ricky's chest in her pjs. 

"I wonder how much longer?" Vinny said

"I don't know. Ryan isn't answering texts anymore" Chris said

"Hey guys" a very tired and worried looking Ryan said coming around the cornor

"Daddy! Is mommy ok? Can I see my brother" Harley asked running to Ryan

He picked up Harley and looked at all of us "Xavier is fine. A healthy baby boy. Jenna just passed out after she had him. They pushed me out of the room. I don't know whats going on with my wife, and all I can hear is my son crying"

"Oh, Ryan" I got up and hugged him tight "she'll be ok"

"Is my mommy ok?" Harley asked

"She will be, but we can't see her right now" Ryan said holding Harley close

It felt like hours before the doctor's came looking for Ryan.

**Jenna's POV**

"Ryan?" I asked opening my eyes to a blinding light

"Hello, Mrs. Sitkowki" an unfamiliar voice said "we're getting your husband now"

A few moments later I heard footsteps

"Hey baby" Ryan said kissing my head

"Where's the baby? Where's Harley?"

"Relax, love, they're both fine. The nurses will bring him in a second. You passed out after you had him."

"All I remeber is hearing him cry"

Before Ryan could speak again the nurse brought Xavier in and handed him to me

"Oh my gosh, look at him"

Ryan smiled "He has a lot of hair just like Harley"

Ryan and I talked to the doctor's about what had happened after Xavier's delivery. Then they said we could have visitors. Jamie, Ricky, and Harley came in first

"Mommy, he's so cute!" Harley said as she sat on my bed with me

"Did the doctor's say what happened?" Jamie asked

"They said I lost more blood than you normally do, and my body was just exhusted from the labor. So, no real reason"

"No real reason? Jenna you lost blood. That's scray!"

I just rolled my eyes at her

"How are you feeling now?" She asked

"Better, now that I have Xavier and Harley"

"Mommy, he's sleeping" Harley whispered

"I know, he'll be doing a lot of that"

"Hmm, ok then" Harley said not sure what to make of him

Slowly, one by one all the guys came in and met Xavier.

"He's so tiny" Chris said holding the baby

"Well, you're like eight feet tall of course he's tiny to you" Vinny said making everyone laugh

Chris handed Xavier back to me, and Harley held Xavier's little hand in her own. 

"What time was he born?" Ricky asked randomly

"Uh, 2:36 am. Why?"

"Congrats Jenna you got yourself a Halloween baby"

"I didn't even think about that" I said noticing it was now almost 6 in the morning

"Why don't you guys go home and rest. We really appreciate you guys coming though" Ryan said

"Hey, we wouldn't have it any other way" Balz said before walking everyone out

Yay! We got a Halloween baby!! This was kinda my plan all along, but I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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