Chapter 16

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**Jenna's POV**

"It's my brothers first Thanksgiving! And we're going to grandma's!" Harley danced around in her new dress

"Ok, how does he look?" Ryan said carrying Xavier in our room

Xavier had on a white long sleeve onesie with a turkey in it and brown pants with white socks and a brown hat with turkey feathers on it

"You both look handsome" I said taking the baby

"How do I look, Daddy?" Harley asked as he twirled in her dress

"Like a princess. Mommy did good picking out your dress"

"Thanks daddy" Harley giggled

"Ok, do I look ok?" I asked Ryan

I put on a white dress with a brown belt and heels.

"You look beautiful"

"Are you sure? I mean I haven't lost all my baby weight and-"

"You look like a queen mommy" Harley said

"Aw, my princess" I said kissing Harley's head

"Can we go see grandma now?"

"Yes we can come on" Ryan said walking out with Xavier

Ryan and I got the kids in the car then drove to his moms

"Will your sister be there?" I asked Ryan

"I'm not sure. Maybe"

"I hope she is we havent seen her in a while"

Ryan and I got to his mom's house. I got Xavier and Ryan got Harley

Ryan walked into the house and I followed behind closely

"Grandma!" Harley said and ran to her

"Hey Harley! Where's your daddy and mommy?"

"Right behind her. She's just faster than us" Ryan said hugging his mom

"Oh, let me see that baby" she said as I handed her Xavier

"He looks so much like Ryan when he was a baby!"

"You should see when he smiles. He looks a lot like Ryan then too."

"Why don't you all have a seat and I'll finish up dinner" Ryan's mom said handing him the baby

"Can I help with anything?" I asked


The room was slient as both of is worked, then Ryans mom spoke

"You've done an amazing job with both of the kids"

I smiled "thank you. That means so much to me"

"Well, Ryan's happy and your babies are happy. You must be doing something right"

Ryan's mom giving me her approval means more to me than she'll ever know. I know it was hard on her to let someone else take care of her son. We've always had a good relationship it's just nice to know she's proud of me.

"Let's eat!!!" His mom called and we all sat down

"So, Ryan, when's the next tour?" His mom asked

"Uh, January I think."

"Are you going to be ok with the kids by yourself?" She asked me

"Yeah, I have Jamie and Balz here to help me"

"Well if you need anything just let me know."

"Thanks I will"

"What's the plan for Christmas?"

"Ryan and I thought it might be nice if we hosted Christmas. Our house is big enough"

"That's a great idea, Jenna"

Hopefully Christmas will go well.

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