Chapter 17

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**Jenna's POV**

I woke up to a fresh blanket of snow on the ground. Xavier and Harley are both still asleep in their beds, and Ryan was asleep in our room. I laid next to Ryan and just watched him sleep.

"You know it's creepy to watch people sleep" Ryan said not opening his eyes.

I laughed "when did you wake up?"

"When you went to go check on the kids." Ryan said pulling me closer to him

I wrapped my arms around his neck "Harley is going to want to go play in the snow"

"I know, but for now we can just lay here"

Ryan and I just laid there for a while before I heard Harley's little feet on the floor

"Mommy!! Daddy!! There's snow on the ground!! Can we go play please!!" Harley said running into our room and jummping on our bed

"We can go play, but we need to put some food in that tummy first" Ryan said tickling her stomach

"Ok, can we go eat now" Harley asked

"I'll start making pancakes, and you two get Xavier up" I said getting up

"No, I wanna help you cook" Harley said following me

I started getting all the stuff out to make breakfast.

"Can we make chocolate chip pancakes please?"

"Of course we can. Do you wanna stir this for me?"


I handed Harley the bowl and she stirred the pancake mix.

"Can Xavier play in the snow too?" Harley asked

"He's to little, but we can take him outside if you want"

"I just wish he could walk"

"I know, but next Christmas he'll be able to walk"

Harley and I finished up breakfast and set the table, and I made everyone's plates and sat at the table.

"Xavier didn't wanna wake up. So, we'll get him up later" Ryan said sitting down

"Yeah, because if we wake him up he'll be grumpy like daddy, huh mommy" Harley said

I looked down at my plate and continued eating as Ryan glared at me

"I love you baby" I said sweetly looking at Ryan

"Yeah, I love you too"

Harley just giggled "You two are silly"

We finished up breakfast and got in our snow gear

"Mom! The baby is crying!" Harley said from her room where Ryan was dressing her

I got Xavier all bundled up and took him outside with Ryan and Harley

"Mommy! I hit daddy right in the face with a snowball!!" Harley said

"Wow good aim! Did he throw a snowball back?"

"Yes, but he missed!"

I stayed outside for a while then took Xavier inside, and made hot chocolate for Harley and Ryan.

"I don't know how she isn't frozen yet, it's so cold outside" Ryan said coming inside

I laughed "is she changing now?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna go change and get the fire place going"

We spent most of our day watching movies in front of the fireplace and enjoying the time we had with Ryan since he's leaving for tour in a few weeks.

So, quick question. If I wrote another Ryan fic after this would you read it? I'm currently working on it and I like the story so far I just don't know if your sick of me writing about Ryan. Sooo, let me know your opinions and thoughts on it please!!

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