Chapter 21

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**Jenna's POV**
December 25

I woke up wrapped in Ryan's arms.

"Morning" he said kissing my head

"Morning, babe"

"How'd you sleep?"

"Good, I'm surprised Harley hasn't come to wake us up yet"

"I know. I'm gonna go check on Xavier" Ryan got out of bed and went to Xavier's room

"Look who wants his mommy" Ryan said walking into our room with Xavier

Ryan came and laid with Xavier and I.

"Look at how wild your hair is my son" I said looking at Xavier's hair

Ryan chuckled "he may need a haircut soon"

"He's still so little though"

"I know, but he'll need it sooner rather than later"

Xavier ended up falling asleep on my chest as Ryan and I talked. It was about eight so I'm surpirsed Harley isn't awake yet

"You wanna go check on Harley? She's being awful quiet"

Ryan got up and went to Harley's room.

"She's still sleeping." Ryan said smirking

"I am not!! Come on mommy! Lets go open presents!" Harley said coming out from behind Ryan

I picked up Xavier and took him downstairs. I made coffee for Ryan and I. Then poured Harley a glass of milk.

"Cookie time!" Harley said jummping up and down.

We sat around the fire and ate cookies while we opened presents

"The last one is for mommy. Can you take it to her?" Ryan asked Harley

Harley nodded her head and handed me a long rectangular box.

I opened it and saw the most beautiful necklace ever.

"Oh, Ryan. You shouldn't have"

"Yeah, but I wanted too. You've had your eye on that necklace forever"

I kissed Ryan and he helped me put it on.

The rest of our morning we spent putting Harley's new toys together, and eating a real breakfast. We have plans to just stay home all day in our PJ's and watch Christmas movies.

"Mommy! Look at how fast my car can go!!" Harley said racing her new remote control car through the house

"That's really fast, Harley!"

"I like days like this. Just you, me, and the kids" Ryan said as we watched Harley play

"Maybe this could be our new Christmas tradition. Just us at home with our kids"

"That would be nice actually. Since I travel most of the year"

"When do you leave for tour?" I asked

"The 11th of January"

"Well we'll have to have some family time before you leave us"

Hopefully Harley will handle being away. The last few tours she hasnt handled it well

"It'll be ok, Jenna. Harley will be so busy with school and helping you with Xavier she won't even notice I'm gone"

"Trust me she'll notice. We all will"

"Lets not worry about that. I'm gonna put on a movie in our room and we'll just cuddle with the kids. Sound good?"

I nodded "yeah, sounds great"

I got some blankets out and put them on the bed. Then Ryan and Harley got into bed with Xavier and I. The kids both fell asleep not even halfway through the movie, but it was nice to have a little family time.

So, I hope this story is still enjoyable!! It's kinda been all over the place I feel like! Anyway, the holiday chapters are over:( but I wanted to ask if you enjoyed them? It's something very different for me so I'm curious on what the readers think!!

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