Chapter 13

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**Jenna's POV**

"I don't wanna go mommy" Harley said as I brushed her hair

"I know baby. We'll have to try though ok?"

"Can daddy come with us, please?"

"Go eat your breakfast and I'm gonna go talk to daddy, ok?"

Harley went to the table and I went into my room where Ryan is still sleeping

"Babe" I said shaking him


"Wake up I need to talk to you"

"Oh, it's way to early for this, Jenna" he said sitting up

"Harley wants you to go with us when I take her to school"

"Why? You're more vocal about everything"

"Babe, you're her dad. Her protector. She goes to you when she has bad dream or when she's scared"

"I'll get ready real quick"

I went back downstairs to check on Harley

"Is daddy coming?"

"Yeah, he's getting ready now"

Ryan came down with Xavier who was still sleeping.

"Are you girls a ready?"

"Yeah, when you are"

The drive to Harley's school was very quiet. Once we got there Ryan carried Xavier and I walked with Harley

"Hi Miss. Harley" her teacher said

"She didn't wanna come today, so hopefully she'll be ok" I said

"I talked to some of the other parents so hopefully we won't have any more issues"

"Just call us if there is and we'll come pick her up" Ryan said

Harley's teacher nodded and we told her bye then left

"Hey Ricky just texted do you wanna grab breakfast with him and Jamie"

"Yeah, if you want too"

Ryan got in the drivers seat and started driving

"I really hope Harley has a good day"

"I'm sure she will. You stood up for her and hopefully fixed the probelm" Ryan said lacing our fingers together

We pulled into a parking spot and Ryan carried Xavier into the restaurant.

"Hey Jenna!" Jamie said hugging me

"Hey Jamie. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever"

"I know. Let's get a table and we'll all catch up"

We sat at a table and Jamie held Xavier as we talked

"So, I was thinking since we're all going to be apart on Thanksgiving we should have a dinner all together like next week?" Jamie said

"Who's all invited?"

"I was thinking Chris, Gaia, Vinny, Ghost, Kylie, Balz, Ryan  Ashley, you, Ryan, and the kids"

"We could have it at our house. We have more than enough room, right babe?"

"Yeah, that's fine" Ryan agreed

"Can I cook at your house? Your kitchen is a little bigger than mine" Jamie asked

"We can cook at my house together" I told her

"This is gonna be fun. Its rare that we all get together to just hang out" Ricky said

"Yeah, and I'm sure Harley will love having everyone together"

"It'll be a blast" Jamie said smiling

"Well, Jenna loves to cook so I'm sure it'll be a blast for her too" Ryan said

"And Jenna is one of the best cooks ever" Ricky said

"Hey! I can cook too!" Jamie defended herself

I just smiled at them. This would be a fun dinner

The next chapter starts the holiday chapters!!! Hopefully you'll enjoy them I enjoyed writing them!!

The Graveyard Shift: part 2Where stories live. Discover now