Chapter 19

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**Jenna's POV**

December 23

Ryan and I put the baby conversation on hold for now. After all the holidays are over we'll talk about it again

"Jenna, Xavier looks so cute in his elf outfit!" Jamie said walking into my kitchen

"I know. Ryan is the one who bought it for him"

The guys and some of the girls are coming over for an early Christmas celebration.

"Do you need help cooking?" Gaia asked coming into the kitchen

"Um, can you finish cutting the vegetables?"

"Sure" Gaia said and walked over to the counter

"How's life, Jenna? We haven't talked or seen each other much since Xavier was born" Kylie said

"Life is amazing right now. My kids are healthy and happy. Ryan is healthy and happy."

"And are you happy and healthy?" She asked

"I am. I mean I'm going through some stuff but I'm happy"

"That's good though. Everything is fine though?"

"Yeah, it's just hard when Ryan's away is the main thing"

The girls and I contiued to make dinner while the guys got the fireplace going.

We all agreed to not exchange gifts, but everyone brought a gift for Harley and Xavier.

"Mommy! Can I open my gifts?" Harley asked

"After dinner. Go get your dad and the boys"

We all sat around the dinner table just like at Thanksgiving.

"Are you guys ready for tour next month?" Jamie asked

"Yeah, I can't wait to be back on the road" Vinny said

"It'll be hard leaving Xavier for the first time" Ryan said squeezing my hand under the table

"Yeah, but you and Jenna can Skype and send pictures like normal" Chris said

"Yeah, but I hate that I'm not home to help her"

"We'll be fine.  Jamie, Balz, and Ryan Ashley are here" I said

"Yeah! Ryan and I come over all the time" Balz added

"It's not the same, but I'm glad Jenna has you guys" Ryan said

"I'm want to go on tour with daddy! Can I go please" Harley asked

"You have to go to school remember?" Ryan said

"Oh, yeah. Nevermind. Can I open gifts now?"

"After everyone is done. Calm down princess"

"I guess we should Harley open some presents" I said after I cleared the table

Everyone sat in the living room as Harley opened presents from the guys

"Woah! Uncle Chris got me a big Dinosaur!" Harley pulled out the plush dinosaur and held it close

The guys spoiled Harley with a bunch of new toys, and some new clothes

"All Xavier got was clothes mommy" Harley said

"I know, but he isn't into toys yet so its ok" I told her

Harley nodded and gave all her uncles a hug.

"Thank you for all my toys" Harley told them

We all sat around talking for hours, and slowly one by one everyone went back home

"Harley is asleep, finally. She had to tell me like five stories before she went to bed" Ryan said walking into our room

"Well, I'm glad your such a great dad and listened" I said smiling

"We better get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow"

Ryan's mom was gonna come over tomorrow but went out of town with some family. So, this Christmas it'll just be Ryan, me, and our kids, and I couldn't wait

So, I forgot I left that cliffhanger in the last chapter, but after the Christmas chapters are over I'll explain it!! I'm sorry I can't believe I forgot about it, but anyway I hope you still enjoy this book!

Also, Happy Brithday, Ricky!!

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