Chapter 27

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**Jenna's POV**

"Where was your ring?" I asked

"In Kylie's makeup bag" Ryan said chuckling

"Why was it in her makeup bag?"

"I guess when I went to shower I laid it down beside it and she grabbed it when she got her stuff"

"Hm, ok. So what else is new?"

"Nothing really. I'm just ready to be home"

"I'm ready for you to come home. I miss you. Oh, and Balz and Ryan set a wedding date"

"That's awesome. Hopefully we won't be on tour"

"Yeah I hope you arent."

"Hey baby I gotta go, but I'll call you tomorrow"

"Ok, I love you"

"I love you too"

Its only 10 so I ran me a bath and had a glass of wine. I rarely get time to myself anymore especially when Ryan's away. After about an hour I got out of the tub and put on my fluffy robe. I grabbed the bottle of red nail polish and thew it on my bed. I changed into some sweats and a tank top then checked on my kids.

"Mommy?" Harley said as I was about to leave her room

"Yes, princess"

"Can I sleep with you? I had a bad dream"

"Of course you can sleep with me"

I picked Harley up and carried her to my room.

"I wish daddy was here to protect me" Harley said crawling under the covers on Ryan's side of the bed

"Well, since he isn't here why don't you wear his shirt to sleep in? That will keep the bad guys away for sure"

Harley nodded and I handed her one of Ryan's t-shirts. She wore his shirt over her little mermaid nightgown.

**Ryan's POV**

"One more week" Ricky said as we drove down the highway

"I know. I can't wait to stay in my bed for a week"

"Can you do that with two kids?"

"Probably not, but I wish I could. I remember right after Jenna and I started dating we would stay in bed a solid two days just catching up on life"

"What do you do now?"

"We watch Disney movies with the kids usually"

"Gotta love that dad life, huh" Ricky said

"I actually like being a dad."

"I know I didn't mean it in a bad way"

"I miss my kids and my wife"

"I know. I miss Jamie too"

The rest of the ride to the next venue seemed to take forver. All of us walked off the bus and went inside to check out the venue. Hopefully the next few days will go by fast so I can finally go home and spend some time with my family. This tour has been the hardest so far. For Jenna and I both. I hate that I left her alone with a 3 month old and Harley but I know Jenna understands. I just want to be home, and so does everyone else on this tour.

The Graveyard Shift: part 2Where stories live. Discover now