Chapter 23

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**Jenna's POV**

Ryan has been on tour for the past two weeks, and it's going great for him. Harley rarely gets to talk to him though. He's still asleep when I take her to school and when she gets out of school he's doing sound check, then meet and greets then playing a show so when he calls after the show Harley is asleep. So dealing with Harley's little melt downs haven't been fun. Harley is currently eating a snack since she just got home.

"Mommy, when is daddy coming home?" Harley asked

"In about 3 weeks"

"Ugh! That's forver!" Harley said

"I know, baby. We'll try to call him in a little bit ok?"

A few hours later

I'm giving Harley a bath before bed, and Harley isn't happy about it

"No!" Harley said through her tears

"Harley Rose! Don't act this way!"

Harley has been throwing the biggest fit since I put her in the tub. I've been fighting her for the last hour.

"Ok, let's get out and dry off so you can go to bed" I said wrapping Harley in a towel and taking her to my room

"No! I don't wanna go to bed!!!" Harley yelled

"Harley! You're going to wake up your brother stop yelling"

"I wanna talk to daddy"

"I know Harley but he's working. We'll call him tomorrow I promise, but you can't be yelling."

Harley just threw herself in the floor and cried after I put her pajamas on her.

"Harley stop! It's way past your bedtime you need to lay down, and stop crying before you wake up your brother"

Harley just continued to cry, and Xavier woke up shortly after. I grabbed my phone as it rang

"Hello?" I said over both of my kids crying

"Hey baby. What's going on?" Ryan asked

"Let me call you later. Both kids are throwing a fit" I said going to hang up

"Wait! Let me talk to Harley"

I sighed and handed Harley the phone. Her and Ryan talked till Harley went to sleep in her bed.

"I'm glad you can calm her down" I told Ryan walking into my room

"Has she been that bad the whole time I've been gone?"

"Pretty much. She's had an attitude problem"

"I'm sorry Jenna. I wish I could help"

"If you called her more that would help"

"I'll try my best. Are you gonna come to a show?"

"I don't know. Xavier is still to little for a show so probably not"

"Leave him with mom and you and Harley come"

"I would, but don't you want to see Xavier too?"

"Of course I do. Just bring him and you can stay backstage"

I sighed "I'll think about it, but not tonight I'm exhusted"

"Ok, I'll let you go. I love you"

"I love you too"

Talking to Ryan always makes me feel better. I just wish Harley could talk to him more. Maybe a little trip to see him wouldn't be such a bad idea after all

Again I'm sorry this chapter was so all over the place! I hope you enjoyed it though! I have some good ideas coming up in the next few chapters!

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