Chapter 12

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**Jenna's POV**

Ryan and I brought Xavier home a few days ago, and we're still trying to get the hang of having two kids. Harley is at school now, and I'm making lunch for Ryan an I.

"The baby is finally asleep" Ryan said coming into he kitchen

"That's good. He had a rough night last night"

Ryan came and wrapped his arms around my waist laying his head on my shoulder

"Do you need a nap?" I asked

"Yes, but I'm starving"

"Well how about we eat lunch then you and I can go into the bedroom and take a nap"

"Ooh, I like the sound of that"

"I thought you might"

Ryan smirked and kissed my neck "or we could skip lunch"

"Well, we could, but I haven't gotten the ok from the doctor to do what your thinking so let's just eat"

Ryan sighed "fine"

After lunch Ryan and I were able to take an hour nap before Xavier woke up.

I fed Xavier then changed him, and brought him to Ryan in our room

"We need to go get Harley in a few"

"I know. If you stay here with Xavier I'll go get her" I suggested

"Or we could all go"

"That works too" I smiled and went to go get the carseat

Ryan put on his normal black jeans and t-shirt and I had on a black tank top and yoga pants.

"I like it when you show off your tattoos" Ryan commented

"I only have 3."

"Yeah, but I still like them" Ryan shrugged

"Can you carry Xavier to the car for me?" I asked

"Of course, just let me find my hat"

Ryan and I drove to Harley's school, and I just got Xavier out and carried him

As Ryan and I waited for Harley all the other parents were just looking at us. Ryan and I both know we look diffrent, but it still makes me uncomfortable.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Ryan "I hate this"

"Hate what?" Ryan asked

"The way that they look at us"

"Who cares, Jenna. Harley and Xavier love us just the way we are. Nothing else should matter"

"Guess so"

I saw Harley's class walk out of the school. Ryan went to go get her, but called me over there as well

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Harley kinda had a bad day" her teacher informed me

"Why? What happened?"

"Mommy, the kids are saying daddy is scary and is a bad guy! And he isn't!" Harley said almost crying

I looked at Harley's teacher "so what are you going to do about this?"

"Well, I don't know, I've never had a situation like this before"

"Look, you've met my husband and he isn't scary or a bad guy. So, fix this problem or I'm pulling Harley out of this school. I will not have our daughter at a school where she isn't accepted"

I took Harley's hand and walked away with Ryan following close behind

"Wow, babe I'm impressed"

"Well, when it comes to our kids I'll do whatever it takes to make her feel safe and accepted"

Maybe I over reacted, but when I saw Harley crying I knew this wasn't a small issue

So the "holiday chapters" will start in 2 more chapters (I think) and I have 3-4 maybe even 5 chapters of holiday stuff. So, hopefully y'all will enjoy that! Anyway, do you think Jenna is being a bit dramatic about Harley's school situation? Or is she just being a good mom?

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