Chapter 4

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**Jenna's POV**

Ryan's at a meet and greet so I'm backstage with all the other girls.

"How's Harley doing with everything?" Gaia asked

"Not good. She cries for Ryan almost every night."

"Why can't you and Harley join us for the rest of tour. It's only two more weeks."

"Harley starts preschool soon and I want her on a schedule. I also have a job in Scranton I can abandon either"

I was still doing photography, and I have a few bands to shoot for next week.

"I'm sure she'll be fine, Jenna. She misses her dad. You should let her spend time with him"

Gaia and I were never best friends but we got along great. This is the first time she's ever butted into my business this way

"I'm Harley's mother. I know what's best for her. So don't try and tell me what's best for my daughter" I snapped at Gaia and walked out of the room to check on Harley. She was in the other room with Jamie playing.

"What's wrong, Jenna?" Jamie asked

"I just snapped at Gaia. I feel bad about it but I felt like she went to far."

"I'm sure it's the pregnancy hormones as well Jenna. Just give it a few minutes then go say sorry"

I was about to reply when the boys walked into the room.

"Daddy!!" Harley ran into Ryan's arms as he picked her up

"Hey princess, did you have fun with Auntie Jamie and Gaia?"

"Yes, and mommy too" she giggled

Ryan sat next to me with Harley still in his arms "what's wrong with you?" He asked

I shrugged "just pregnancy hormones is all"

"It'll be over in a couple months."

I leaned on him as Harley talked to Ryan about anything her little brain could think of.

A few hours later after the show

I was holding Harley who was currently asleep. Her little arms wrapped around my neck, and I was holding her legs as her bottom lighly rested on my baby bump. Needless to say neither of us were very comfortable.

"Can I take her from you?" A very sweaty and tired looking Chris asked

"That would be helpful"

Chris took Harley from me and she slightly moved, but went right back to sleep.

I followed Chris onto the bus and he held Harley the whole ride to the hotel.

"You know, you would make a great dad, Chris"

"Maybe, but I'm just happy being her uncle"

I just smiled at them. The boys really love Harley. They always hold her, and play with her.

We got to the motel and everyone went their seprate ways. Chris followed Ryan and I to our room.

"Just lay her wherever. I need to put her in more comfortable clothes"

Chris laid her on the bed and Harley just went right back to sleep

"Thanks Chris. We'll see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow, Jenna"

"Well, I suppose we should change her." Ryan said as Chris walked out

"I suppose we should"

Hi everyone. I'm still trying to update every other day like I normally do however I'm having some things in my personal life going on at the moment so if updates aren't as frequent I'm sorry but I'm doing my best!!!

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