Chapter 9

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**Jenna's POV**
October 30

My due date was yesterday, but the doctor said I should be going into labor soon. When Ryan and I went out for our anniversary I was having labor pains, but it wasn't actual labor.  Harley and Ryan went to get lunch and watch a movie. While they were out I decided to clean up the house a bit.

"Knock knock! I'm coming in!" Balz said entering my house with Ryan Ashley

"Hey guys! What's up?"

"Nothing, just out preparing for Halloween tomorrow"

"Yeah, Harley is gonna be a dinosaur"

"That's awesome. I thought she wanted to be a princess." Ryan Ashley said

"She changed her mind. She wanted to have a tail"

Balz chuckled "so has Mr. Xavier decided when he's gonna join the party?"

"Hopefully soon. The doctor said if he doesn't come in the next week they'll try and induce my labor"

"Wow, Harley came early didn't she?" He asked

"Not really. Just a few days before my due date"

"Where is Harley?"

"Ryan took her on a date. They should be back soon."

The three of us sat in the livingroom just catching up

"Woah." I said putting my hands on my stomach

"Is everything ok?" Ryan Ashley asked

"Yeah, he just moved and now I'm feeling a lot of pressure."

"Do you need to go the hospital?"

I sighed "I don't know. It doesn't feel like labor it just is uncomfortable."

"Well let us know if there's anything we can do"

"I think I'll be fine. He likes to move around so I'll be ok"

About an hour later Ryan got home, and the pain was even worse.

"Are you still doing ok?" Balz asked

"No, I think we should go to the hospital. Can y'all keep Harley?"

"Yeah, of course. Whatever you need"

"You're gonna stay with Uncle Balz and Auntie Ryan ok. Mommy and I are going to the hospital" Ryan explained to Harley

"Why? Is everything ok?" She asked

"Everything should be fine. I just think it's time for Xavier to come"

"Ok! I'm excited now!!"

**at the hospital**

The doctor's said I was defiantly in labor. We called everyone, but told them to stay home. However, everyone insisted on coming and waiting in the waiting room.

"How are you feeling?" Jamie asked

"Awful. This one is much much worse than Harley"

"I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do?"

"Just take good care of my daughter"

"I can do that. I'm gonna go check on her and Ricky" Jamie said leaving me alone with Ryan in my room

"He's so stubborn already" I said with a light chuckle

"He gets it from his mommy"

"Yeah, I'm the stubborn one" I said with sarcasm

"Amazing how your in pain and still can have an attitude"

I rested my head against Ryan's shoulder. I'm exhausted and in so much pain. Hopefully, Xavier will come soon

"How we doing?" The doctor asked entering my room

"She's still in a lot of pain" Ryan said

"Hmm, let me give her some more pain medication, and see if we can get this labor moving a little faster."

Soon after the doctor gave me different medication the labor took no time at all.

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