Chapter Thirty Two: The Woods

Start from the beginning

Before you all left, you ran to the duffle bag and unzipped it. Frantically, you searched for your trusty spoon. When you found it, you shoved it into your pocket and gave Dark two thumbs up. He rolled his eyes and grabbed your arm and Mark's. A tingle ran through your body and you were all out in the spoopy woods.

"Lead the way, Mr. boss man." Mark poked at Dark, resulting in Dark scoffing.

"Fuck off." Dark said, his agitation clear. They both acted like children sometimes, Mark more often than Dark.

"Do you guys hear something?" You cut in, whooshing sounds came from behind you. Mark brought out his wings to illuminate the area around you, the mannequins were approaching fast.

"Move." Dark grumbled, stepping in front of you and Mark. Dark shot a gold fire ball from his hand, engulfing the mannequins completely. They went down in flames, a popping sound was heard as the figures dropped to the ground.

"Is that all of them?" You asked, watching as the fire slowly die. You couldn't look away for some reason, the golden flames were more beautiful up close. Something made you want to touch them, but you decided against it.

"For tonight." Dark said, his voice sounding far away. You noticed he had started walking again and you jogged to catch up.

"What does that mean?" You questioned when you were by his side again.

"They respawn at dusk." He answered simply, not even bothering to look at you. He's acting weirder than he normally does.

Dark's eyes glowed gold as he cast you a nasty look. You felt a little hurt by it, as well as concerned about him. His mood had changed so quickly. What isn't he telling me?

"Stop thinking so loudly!" He snapped at you, you winced at the sudden outburst. You wanted to tell him to stay out of your head, but being confrontational wasn't the way to go right now.

"What's going on with you?" You asked softly, grabbing his upper arm to pull him to a stop. He ripped his arm from your grasp and turned to keep walking. You grabbed it again.

"It is none of your concern." He grumbled, removing his arm from your hold again. He took and offensive stance and you tried not to cower. Dark still scared you at times.

"I'm going to have to disagree with you there." You kept your voice low, hoping Dark would do the same. The less attention you drew to yourselves, the better.

"You always have to pry!" Dark screamed in your face, taking a step towards you. "Do not disobey me right now." You stayed silent for a moment as he stared at you. Dark began leading the way again when he realized you weren't going to reply. When he was about 20 paces ahead of you, you pulled Mark to the side.

"Mark," You turned away from Dark, knowing he was too angry to rationalize with. "What's wrong with him?"

"I'm not sure." Mark said, seemingly worried about Dark as well. "I think it's this place."

"Yeah, I think so too." You responded, not noticing that Dark's footsteps had stopped. "I wish he would just talk to us, but we both know how great Dark is at-"

"At what, exactly?" He appeared next to you and Mark, causing the two of you to jump back. "Cat got your tongue, my dear?" He clasped his hands behind his back, his expression was calm. You knew he was daring for you to challenge him, but you knew better.

"You mouth off quite frequently, why aren't you doing so now?" He asked condescendingly. You were trying to not feed into it, but he was making it difficult. He knew how to press your buttons.

"We should keep moving." Mark said, trying to defuse the situation.

"Yeah." You stood with Mark, "We have bigger fish to fry, right Darkipoo?" You knew he hated that name, but maybe it would snap him out of this funk. Humor usually worked.

"Do. Not. Call. Me. That." He stepped closer with each word, by the end he was inches from your face. You started shaking, he was reminding you of Glitch Dark. You did your best to push those thoughts away.

"Back off." Mark finally stepped in, pushing Dark away from you. Dark was stunned for a minute, but quickly took a swing at Mark. It connected with Mark's jaw, sending him stumbling backwards. Mark hit Dark back and they ended up in a full out brawl.

"STOP IT!" You screamed as loud as you could and they both did. You stood in between them, your back to Mark. "Let's just find Wilford, for fuck's sake." Dark glared between you and Mark. He looked like he might hit you as well.

How can I still be so afraid of him? You pondered as you stared into his irate eyes. Will it always be like this? This can't be good for me.

"You can leave anytime you desire,    (Y/N)." He stared into your eyes, never breaking contact. "I am more than willing to return you home."

"I need to be here." You assured him, not willing to abandon your boys here by yourself. "I want to help."

"Then do so by being quiet." He regained his calm demeanor and waited for you to retort. You didn't, instead you did something he didn't expect. You hugged him.

"We can't fight in situations like this." You whispered to him, holding him close. He wasn't returning the embrace. "We have to stay together so put your fucking ego aside and focus on what's important." He scoffed at that, but it seemed to do the trick. When you pulled back, he didn't look angry and he didn't say anything.

"We need to go." Mark said and Dark took the lead. The three of you walked in complete silence, the tension inside of you built the farther you went. You hadn't heard from anything for quite a while, Mark's wings still lit the way, as well as Dark's. The nights in Raspy Hill felt like they lasted longer than the days.

Dark stopped abruptly, you collided into his back. He didn't pay you any mind, focusing on a spot by a particularly large tree. Dark moved closer to it and you could see a scorch mark on the ground.

"Where the hell did he go?" Dark murmured to himself, crouching down by the blackened area. You heard a gunshot ring out, a tree next to Dark was hit by the bullet.

You whip around to see Wilford standing there with his gun pointing at Dark. His eyes glowed a vibrant pink, blood ran down the side of his head. His yellow dress shirt was torn and bloodied in multiple places. His bowtie and suspenders were nowhere to be seen.

"She's coming with me." Wilford gestured to you with the gun. He sounded as if he was drunk; something was very wrong with him (more wrong than usual).

"Go back to the hospital. I'll get Wilford. Don't argue, just go." You told Dark and Mark through the bond and they exchanged worried glances. There was a woosh sound and they were gone.

"Damn cowards." Wilford grumbled, making his way over to you. You couldn't fuck this up, you had to wait for the right moment. He stopped a foot away from you and put the gun to your chest.

"W-what are you doing?" You stuttered, you were genuinely afraid right now. You weren't sure whether or not he would shoot you.

"I don't know." He dropped the weapon from your chest and shoved it in the back of his pants. He brought his hand up to cup your cheek, a tired look in his eyes. "(Y/N), I've made many mistakes with you, but I do love you."

He hugged you close to him and you felt your shoulder grow wet. You thought it might be blood, but you heard a small sniffle that told you otherwise. You wished things had turned out differently with Wilford, but he fucked this up. You weren't going to feel sympathy for a monster like him.

You felt Wilford stiffen up, before he was ripped back away from you. You looked at his chest and saw a knife poking out of it.

" ̸̵͖͗ͭ̂͢S̶ͬ̇͜a̷͓͘y̠̖͑̐͡ ̜̤̫͉̆̓̽̏̿̿ḡ̴͖͛͂͟o͙͖͓̯͜͡҉̡̡̢ŏ̴̗̘̇͆́̚͢͡d̫͚͍͇ͨ̉̎͌̈́͟͏͘͘͢b̢̨̳̼̭͇̩̤̓ͩ̾͜y͈̹ͨ͝e̷̛͍̞͓͕ͪͤ̃ͬͦ͜"

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