81. Second Chances

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He waits for his friend at a stop sign. He feels awkward just standing there doing nothing. His friend doesn't take long to arrive.

"Kurenai," he greets.

"Hey Sasuke," she says, "ready to go to your new. apartment? You remenpber the rules."

"Yeah, yeah," he says, "I get it no one is supposed to know that I'm alive."

He follows her into her car. He looks out the window. The world passes by in a blur."

He doesn't know what the think about him receiving a second chance. He wants to know what the true reason behind god's intention is. But he can't and he won't.

Second chances are basically last chances. Life doesn't give you second chances without a reason.

Kurenai parks the car. "Ready for your second chance at life?"

Sasuke nods.

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