37. Jūgo

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(12 years ago)

She comes back for the little boy once the branding is over.

"Hey," she say.

He looks at her. She's surprised that he didn't pass out from the pain, after all the brandings are painful and torturous.

She can't begin to fathom want the pain the little boy had felt as the burning metal sunk into his skin, leaving a permanent mark.

She decided to risk something for him today. She knew how much the little boy loved fire, so instead of taking him to his cell she takes him outside.

She watches as the little boy inches away from her and goes towards the fire.

She hears the souls around them whisper about the little boy and how he's damned to a greater hell then they're already at.

She wants to punish those souls for their words, but stands still instead.

The little boy reaches his hand into the flames and gives a little smile. He continues to move his hands around the inside of the fires until it's time to go.

She grabs the little boy's hand and leads him to his cell.

"What's that?" be points to a nearby cell where a large roar is being heard.

"Jūgo is in there."

"Who's Jūgo?" he looks up at her.

"He's no one."

"Are you sure? He sounds like he's in pain," he tilts his head.

She's not sure what compels her to says what she says next, but she does, "Would you like to meet him, Sasuke?"

He gives her a little nod.

She opens the cell's door and walks inside, Sasuke following closely behind.

Jūgo is thrashing around, his chains continue to keep him in place. He's mentally unstable. He is Putoff control.

"Are you alright, mister?" Sasuke asks.

Jūgo continues to thrash around. The look in his eyes are wild and deadly.

The little boy slowly walks closer to Jūgo.

"Sasuke—" she starts not wanting him to get hurt, but she immediately stops seeing how with every step closer the little boy takes, Jūgo comes closer to coming down.

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