40. Kill Me Now

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"Kill me now. Please I want it all to end. I dont want to love like this. I hate the killing and I hate the death. So much death. Please, please just fucking kill me now. Make it all end.

"I can't take any more of this fuckery. Everytime I close my eyes, they're starting at me, with those lifeless eyes. Make it stop. Please.

"Take no to hell or heaven. Fuck! I don't care where I go just make it end. I want to sleep forever and never have to remember.

"Please I want this game to end. I can't forget the names or the faces of any person I kill and it's a curse. It haunts me at night. It haunts me during day. And it's driving me insane.

"How can I make it stop? I can't kill myself and I can't end the game. So how can I make it all stop.

"Please tell me. How to make the nightmares stop."

The whole chapter is what @lostsouls is thinking.
And the last comment in the last chapter is part of the story.
Suicide is not a joke.

The Lying Game Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora