1. The Message

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She flops onto her bed, "finally school is over," she thinks.

She takes her phone out of her pocket and opens the app AnoCalls.

1 new message
Sender unknown
Would you like to add?


She frowns.

Who are you?

Almost immediately she receives a reply.

I am no one.

That doesn't answer my

I'm here to make your
life better.

What do you mean?

You have bruises and
cuts all over your arms and legs.
I'm here to make your life better.
Less miserable.
Isn't that great?

She freezes how could lostsouls know about those she always makes sure to hide them. No one but herself knows about them.


Your father abuses you.
That's how you got them.

Who are you and how the
hell do you know about those?

Someone who's here to help.

Would you like to play a
game with me?


You're  annoying.
And I already did.
I'm here to make your life better.

Now do you want to play a
game with me?

Why do you want to help me?
What does my life have to do with

It's my job.
And one that I can't refuse.
A lot is at stake for me if
I don't complete it.

What do you mean?

Are you a social worker
or something.

I'm a demon.

I'm the or something.
Don't worry about it.

Now would you like to
play a game with me?

If I say yes would you leave
me alone?




I'll play.


AnoCalls is an app the author made up.
It's basically and anonymous texting app.

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